Score two for me

by Dagney 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Thanks again oompa...I also sent a copy of your info to a few other friends of mine. I'm going to check the other thread you mentioned.


    The conversation actually started with my friend because I was sharing some of the info from the thread on "men kept for unnatural purposes." That was fascinating information provided by Nark and Leo.

  • AnnOMaly
    Beduhn (??think that's the name...where's annomaly when you need her)

    *waves* I'm here! Yes, that's the guy. He's very positive about the NWT (which winds up the ECs no end LOL), and applauds their using a form of the Divine Name in the OT. But he thinks the insertion of 'Jehovah' in the NT is totally uncalled for. A BeDuhn quote you won't find in the WT:

    "To use 'Jehovah' where the original Greek reads kurios is no more legitimate than using 'Lord' where the original Hebrew reads YHWH." - p.176

  • MadTiger

    Truth will come to those who seek it.

    I agree with the phrase that some want their ears tickled. I want the truth! Whether I choose to follow it or not, is a separate issue. But I want the whole unadulterated truth. No hidden scandals, inserted names, lying elders, coverups, and other guano.

  • jgnat

    I just googled Beduhn and "New World Translation" and this is what I got: =

    The very first hit is a Wikipedia article.

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