Score two for me

by Dagney 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    Just got off the phone with my best JW friend. We were talking about the current congo politics, blah blah blah.

    She said she is sure I know about and discussed the current KM article on the Society not endorsing any outside literature. She said they are afraid of "apostasy." I told her they are not afraid of apostasy, they are afraid of people "finding out the truth." Silence.

    We talked further. I told her everything was done because they thought the end would be here in '75, and they had no idea the information highway would be in full swing today. A regular person today has all the tools the "translation committee" had back then in the '50s and much much more. Then she made a comment about the NWT. Then I told her about "Jehovah" being inserted in the NT 273 times. I told her there is NO tetragrammaton in the NT. Silence. Then..."you're kidding." Nope. In fact I told her, I can still feel the lump in the pit of my stomach when finding that out. I told her about the Society selectively quoting Beduhn (??think that's the name...where's annomaly when you need her) in a WT or AW article that said you don't need to read any other translations but the NWT. Then I told her "I wonder where the rest of his quotes are." The Society never fails to disappoint.

    Anyway, she wants the info. I told her I'd give her the name and she can google away. But to enter at her own risk.'s been a Great Day!!!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    she wants the info.

    Good seed planting Dagney!


  • nvrgnbk

    This is huge!

  • free2think

    Good Job Dagney.

  • Gopher

    The internet + human curiosity = vast new worlds of information open to those who seek it.

    Humanity wins, high control freaky religious groups lose!

  • BabaYaga

    Congratulations! Heavens, this gives me hope for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Ha. Maybe I'm just in a hopeful mood today ;)


  • JWdaughter

    Good for the both of you! I hope you are happy!!

  • journey-on

    The seed took! Now water gently. Don't drown it. Let the roots get a good foot hold little by little. Great job!

  • RollerDave

    Dagney, AWESOME!

    Another captive one who will learn to think for themself

    Whatever she chooses, if it's based on full info and free thought, she's ahead of where she started.

    Good on you.


  • oompa

    Dagney I sent you a pm.

    Dagney: Then..."you're kidding." Nope. In fact I told her, I can still feel the lump in the pit of my stomach when finding that out.

    You and I have the same stomach pit feeling about this issue. I am sure you told her to look a appendix 1-d and under Jehovah in the insight booK. Isnt it interesting that in over 40 years I have never heard a talk or seen a WT study article about this subject.

    Has anybody??.....oompa.....almost hidden from the masses

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