Went to bookstudy last night, ugh!

by Wasanelder Once 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 4mylove


    There is a restaurant named after you in the houston tx area that is excellent!!!! I saw your name and it made my mouth water!!!

  • gumby

    I'll come back tomarrow and give ya all some dub stuff. Just went to the one dayer and was reminded to "hang on a little longer brothers" from a bethel speaker who had some interesting things to say with "college" being one of them. Remind me tomarrow if I forget.

    Hi everyone who saidf hi (men)Ladies)....that was a nice feeling


  • mouthy

    Did he get resurrected in the flesh or spirits?
    Hey this is Granny sweetie , happy to see you have "come alive, I thought you would had died "back

    Admit it ,,,,,,,you miss us dont you? Well we will admit it we miss YOU!!!!

  • moshe

    I sure wish Johnny Cip and I could attend a bookstudy - we would tag team wrestle the study conductor on every paragraph.

  • enz

    thanks for sharing (or is it more like debriefing after the trauma) - have recently been wondering whether they still use the Rev (erse) book (posted yesterday re question to my bkstudy conductor when we first "studied "it ) . For me , the thought of attending a bkstudy makes me cringe. I'd spend all my time biting my tongue - and after 10 minutes and going thru 7 tongues (completion ) I'd have to leave ! Last meeting I went to was 1999 and got so angry re the content about families I left halfway thru the P .Talk. Went to a convention in Australia in 2003 to see what they were dishing - same old same old

  • changeling

    Don't worry, I don't intend to. I'm not a masochist.


  • WTWizard

    The last time I went to one of those wastefests was in late 2004. We had one of those famous heat problems in the Kingdumb Hell, and they had to cancel it that night. And, aside the 2005 Crapmorial, I haven't been to a meeting since.

  • BabaYaga

    Ha!! That's funny about the restaurant, 4MyLove... thanks for the heads up... and I'm glad my name makes your mouth water!!!

    ...Is that wrong?

    tee hee *wink*


  • 4mylove


    You are naughty! The food is excellent! It is owned by a wiccan princess. I think I'll advise any JW's that want me to have a bible study that that is the only place I'll meet them.

    Good to meet ya!

  • gumby

    I'll come back tomarrow and give ya all some dub stuff. Just went to the one dayer and was reminded to "hang on a little longer brothers" from a bethel speaker who had some interesting things to say with "college" being one of them. Remind me tomarrow if I forget.

    Sorry for the late response.

    Basically the Bethel speaker gave an illustration of a few men who were abandonned a sinking ship and were hanging on a peice of wood to keep from drowning. One man said he couldn't hang on much longer and so he let go and disappeared into the water. Then a boat came by a half hour later and rescued the men. He said had the one man held on just a little longer he would have been spared. His point was that many in the borg are letting go and that they need to hang on "just a little longer" in this system. He said he remembered when he was told he would never have to go to school. Then he was told he'd never have kids. Then he was told his kids would never have to go to school. His point was he too was familiar with the idea that the society had said the end would be here by now.......but that was no reason to give up as Jehovahs day would not be late.

    He also said the ONLY reason a person should pursue "higher education" was to aid them in the fulltime preaching work and that if that was not the reason.....one should never entertain the idea to better themselves in this dying system of things by going to college.

    All eyes and ears were focused on this guy since he was from Bethel.

    Anyways, I promised I'd comment about the one day assembly and I held true to my promise


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