Fr. Price's Website and Parish

by BlackSwan of Memphis 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Uhh, take a look at the historical Jesus if you can find any.

    No such person ever existed. Why follow a myth? Seek truth instead. It's better.

    But, if it makes you feel better, PRAISE HORUS!

    Why is it any of your business who or what I follow? Am I doing you any harm?

    What is truth??? Do you think you have it and I don't? You are very, very wrong - I have my truth, you have yours, neither of us have 'perfect' truth.

    And you're here tellingme what I should or shouldn't believe?

    Who's behaving in a cult-like manner - me or thee?

  • eclipse

    Emo....just ignore him,

    He's a tool.

    A troll.

    He's scum.

    Don't let him upset you, hon

    He should be banned by now, anyways.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    yeah apparently he's a ghost from jwd past.

    Like Eclipse said, don't let him get to you.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi eclipse and BSoM!

    Thanks - funny I was just about to openly call him myself but refrained!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey you aged a couple of years.

  • free2think

    Hey Matt and F2T, ok the thing is this....

    For the sake of argument, let's say you are right (which is a whole other thread in itself perhaps) even then it still makes sense to know who you're dealing with. And if people are talking to him (or anyone else for that matter) it just makes sense to Know what the guy actually believes and teaches.

    As for whether or not this religion is a cult, I know that Nvr started an interesting thread a few days ago that would probably shed some light for me on the matter of religion period. At this point where I'm at, I'm not prepared to say he's stuck in another cult. That doesn't mean I think I'm right and you're wrong, only that I don't have enough information to say you are right.

    Hey BSoM, yeah i was thinking afterwards i shouldnt have included LB statements in my comment as i didn neccessarily agree with what he said about it being a cult.

    I just meant that it seemed to me that Father Price went from one extreme (jws) to another (becoming a priest) so quickly and at such a young age. I know for myself i still feel very confused about what i believe and where to go from here.

    I hope i didnt offend anyone with my comments earlier.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis

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