They have even taken away the tooth fairy

by jambon1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    I have just ben told by my JW wife that my daughter will not be able to get a penny for her very 1st wobbly tooth, presumably because the belief in fairys may be damaging to her. On the other hand, it is ok for 100 adults to discuss in front of my wee 5 year old, matters relating to oral sex in a Sunday morning WT study. ABSOLUTE BASTARDS. THEY HAVE TAKEN AWAY MY WEE GIRLS INNOCENCE.

  • RisingEagle

    Yep. It's the whole gulp the camel and strain the gnat in some bizarro context. I was asked by a jw sibling why I let my kid play with a barbie dressed like Ariel from the 'Little Mermaid'. The same visit I noticed that they had left the Oct asleep rag mag out in the bathroom. A child can't engage the healthy world of imagination but carp about child molesters is 'okay' for anyone of any age. Sometimes children just need to be allowed to be children and not automatons that sit still in meetings or assemblies for hours at a time.


  • carla

    On the other hand, it is ok for 100 adults to discuss in front of my wee 5 year old, matters relating to oral sex in a Sunday morning WT study.

    To my dying day I will not ever be able to understand this! I asked my jw about this once long ago, how they can discuss such sexual matters in front of little kids, his answer was, 'where else should they learn about it?' Before he became a jw he would have been appalled by this.

    Inflation must have hit the US tooth fairy, ours got up to 1.00! and someone started sprinkling fairy dust in the bedroom so we had to too! ha

    Once my kid just would not fall asleep waiting to catch the tooth fairy, I fell asleep, kid comes down crying that the tooth fairy forgot! aww, quickly I ran up to check her room and low and behold what do you know? that darn dollar must have fallen behind the bed while she was sleeping!

  • Kaethra

    When my niece lost her first tooth, she wanted to keep it AND get the moolah from the Tooth Fairy. So...she put a little piece of cotton ball under her pillow. She was quite upset the next morning when not only was the cotton ball still there, but also a note, which read: Dear J****, This is not a tooth. Signed, TF


    But . . . The tooth fairy is alive and well!


  • Es

    we were never allowed to have the tooth fairy, I dont think its a relatively new thing, at least not in Australia.

    Sorry about your situation


  • restrangled

    My dad was an elder and my mother a pioneer.....we always had the tooth fairy under a wink wink fashion. We knew it didn't exsist, but always were given our teeth back to put under our pillows, which "magically produced a dollar. Later on they were worth $5.00.

    On report cards A's were worth 5, B's 4, and C's and below nothing.

    There was major toy shopping after Christmas, and we always had Thanksgiving with lots of extended JW family.

    My mother was a fabulous cook.......that holiday was the best! Ahem,,,,we were not celebrating Thanksgiving,....turkeys were just on sale and everyone was off of work....wink, wink!

    Dad received great Christmas bonuses and we would go on vacation to see relatives. I can remember my mother buying a beautiful grey wool coat with a full fox or lynx collar, had to be the late 60's. We all dressed up and she wore that on the plane to Minneapolis and on to North Dakotah. She looked beautiful in that coat.

    Those were the sweet, dreamy days of childhood, .....but not in between.

    Too bad they insist on taking away and childhood happiness of any sort.


  • Rebirth

    Yeah, no tooth fairy came when I was a child. I'd like to say that it bothered me, but after being denied Christmas and birthdays, the tooth fairy wasn't even registering on the scale.

    Do you know how fun it is to play this game with your children when you didn't get to have it? I'm having so much fun, and I having been giving a dollar/tooth.

  • sweetface2233

    When were JWs allowed to get visits from the tooth fairy? Was I raised in a different JW religion than other members here? Were you also getting visits from Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? Figures I would grow up in the most repressed JW division!

  • WTWizard

    The fact is, they never did have the tooth fairy. What Humanoid Rutherford did was methodically go through childhood experiences, and whatever good ones Russell didn't yet remove, he took them all away. He had to have gone through the whole calendar and taken away the holidays one by one. Then he went up from a child's birth to independent adulthood, found all the bright spots in a normal child's life, and banned them as he found them. What he missed, Slime Knorr finished off.

    This is why every holiday is banned. All the milestones of childhood are also banned or sullied. School is stripped of anything enjoyable like playing with other children at recess, saluting the flag, and after-school activities. There is no college for most (and if you do try and send your child to college, Brother Hounder is coming after you). During vacations, you are supposed to waste them in meetings and out in field circus. The Grand Boasting Sessions replace a real vacation, and children are supposed to pay rapt attention to the whole program. Teens are urged to give up just about every movie and song that they could enjoy, and heaven forbid they even think of playing video games! Of course, they are going to take the tooth fairy away too.

    And, it is only going to get worse. Remember the Smurf scam? I predict they are going to come up with similar specious reasons for ALL toys to be banned. And this time, it will not just be local. They are going to take away everything and anything that resembles fun from children. They already got off to a good start--all they have now is to cram children into field circus all day long, and take them right out of school at 3:00 PM and right into circus. Every minute not spent on required school is to be spent on field circus. Hell, why not break the law (yet again--they already broke the law in banning people from alternative service in lieu of military duty) and ban children from going to school at all! That way, they can be out in field circus non-stop from the time they are supposed to be walking (2-3 months, not a year to 15 months--if they can get baptized at age 6...) until they die. And they can force children to get baptized as soon as they turn 6.

    And hopefully a lot of parents will wake up and yank their children right out of the Tower.

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