They have even taken away the tooth fairy

by jambon1 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I was brought up as a JW. My dad was an elder and as a family we always tried to live up to (or should I say down to??) the JW standards.

    We never did christmas, birthdays, halloween, bonfire night, tooth fairy, easter, valentines day, mothers day, fathers day.

    Although I have to say my parents were excellent at making up for the loss of those holidays!

    But now all my family are out and we all enjoy celebrating the different holidays with the new generation of children in the family who are enjoying their childhood in a JW free world!

    And by the way the going rate for a tooth in our house is 50pence.

  • jambon1

    Just to clarify. I thought that the tooth fairy was up to the individual family. Some do it, some don't.

    But I suppose for myself, it is the 1st time of things happening in my kids lives. My wee girl is 5, she has a wobbly tooth. Now I wasn't brought up a JW and I got the friggin tooth fairy. It is just one of those cute little things that you do with your kids.

    My JW wife says that she won't be getting the tooth fairy. Its not 'appropriate' for JW`s apparently.

    Now guys, I know all of this sounds really petty but this particular thing has just gotten to me.

    WTF is wrong with indulging a childs imagination? They have actually managed to remove every exciting facet of a childs upbringing and replaced it with dull shit theocratic activities and sphagetti mind salad.

    Its the double standard of it all. - "Oh, no. You can't get the tooth fairy, but you can come to the boring meetings at the KH and listen to adult discussion about paedos, death, sex and all sorts of other bullshit".

    I'm pissed off with it all!

  • vitty


    I think you should stand up for your child. Tell your JW wife to sod off !! They ALWAYS feel its their right to say and do exactly what they want . I think if my hubby had been a bit stronger with me and the kids, I might have left sooner and my hubby wouldnt have come in the org himself.

    I remember he insisted the kids when to a bonfire on bonfire night. They loved it , I was happy cos it didnt affect my conscience and I secretly wanted them to go. And dont take the excuse that they will get confused..................your their father and you should say what you want your children to experience or not.

    Id also ask her what they would be studying that meeting and if you think its not appropriate dont let them go!!!

    Remember this is terrible, damaging rubbish they are learning............which could stay with them forever. Do you want them to be frightened of armageddon? because they will be.

  • lisavegas420

    I didn't get to do the tooth fairy thing growing up...

    Sooo..I created my own wonderful tradition = We leave a two dollar bill under her pillow.

    She said, what convinced her that the "tooth fairy was real", because she knows "no one has two dollar bills" and it only "makes since that the tooth fairy would have two dollar bills..see..tooth = two, sounds alike."

    I love her reasoning.


  • greendawn

    They are a collective with a very neurotic mind even the most innocent things appear to them as dangerous enough to deserve getting banned, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, the smurfs and now the tooth fairy.

    They really know how to isolate themselves from life with this pathetic psychology.

  • JWdaughter

    Jambon, time to pull out the "Head of the Household" card. You are the father, the husband, the head of the household. Even JWs acknowledge that. And you can say, as head of the household that you want to celebrate --whatever you celebrate!-- YOU are free, you are not a JW to be consricted by their rules. You could even insist your wife join you, and she could since you are her 'head'. Sexism comes in handy sometimes, huh?

    While you are at it, you might want to get your daughter out of the meetings, or at least keep it to a meeting a week (sunday talk is probably the least indoctrinating, or offensive (thats how they suck in new people), and its only a half hour!! You are in a position of strength. Flex it!

    And a dollar a tooth, with fairy dust, seems appropriate. And get her a singing christmas penguin. . .my kids have started already and it just makes me happy to hear the dang little thing singing "giddyup giddyup giddyup let's go, lets look at the show. . .its grand, just holding your hand. . ." I know, its still a month to halloween, but I was brought up JW and I have to get warmed up a bit:) We celebrated till all the major teeth fell out, and when we were 8 the holidays had petered out altogether. My mom was fortunately very slow at getting baptised.

  • Cicatrix

    LOL! We had the tooth fairy at our house anyway. I told the children that the toothfairy was a story, but they wanted to act it out anyway. They knew full well it was me who put the money under their pillows and took their teeth, but it didn't seem to dim their excitement all that much.

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