watch for the squibs used in demolition

by ninja 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lloyd Braun
    Lloyd Braun

    Ok Folks,


    Two commercial jet planes flying at high speeds, full of jet fuel, flown by foreign hijackers hit the two supertall structures, both at very high points in the buildings. One of them a bit higher than the other, which allowed more time before it collapsed. The first plane hit the upper floors between the 93rd and 100th I believe, which gave it plenty of time before total structural failure occurred. If the fire department of NYC had a better evac plan, maybe more people could have survived, who knows. The second plane hit faster and lower on the facade and burned hotter. It fell first because of this reason. It hit between floors 78-83 I believe.

    Look people, there didn't need to be detonators, or explosives or any kind of inside work done to bring down #7, it was going to fall on it's own in a matter of days. Larry Silverstein (the leaseholder) OK'd the fire department to cut two or three core steel support beams to speed the process up. The building had already been evacuated and cleared of danger. It had to be done for the safety of other buildings in the immediate vicinity.

    The Pentagon was hit by a plane flown by a hijacker who fooled them all. He had the poorest pilot skills, (or so they thought). He actually just couldn't get the landing process down correctly. His flight control was fine. He didn't need to learn how to land, as his intention was to die anyway. I happened to be in Washington DC at the time of this event and saw the plane fly over from a distance. Lot's of people heard and saw it, just like me, and we all saw a commercial aircraft.

    If you watch these conspiracy documentaries enough, you can detect their own biases. "Indestructible steel core" for instance is a poor attempt at describing the relatively LIGHT framework of the two towers. When a giant plane flys through any part of that core and shatters it, it weakens, and it is just a matter of time at that point. Time and pressure.

    It is true that the Bush administration used this event to kick start the war on Iraq, but hey, oil isn't getting any cheaper for me, and more power to him. Take over the damn area, and start drilling and get us back down to less than a buck a gallon. Nothing wrong with that, eh? I bet I won't hear the conspiracy theorists bitching when that day comes.

    Oh and yes, the plane that crashed in PA was an airplane, and it had people that died. I recall lots of people who lost thier loved ones talking on the phone before it happened. They also produced a movie called Flight 93.

    It's all just real stuff. Arabs have been hijacking American planes with demands for a long time in this country. Nothing new here, other than they finally got clever and figured out how to hit us with our pants down.


  • sixsixsixtynine
    I believe the USA is being run for the benefit of the super rich by successive administrations. I believe the War on Terror is designed to allow the infringement of civil liberties, a public willingness to pour billions into military spending .....and I believe that a group of people who ran exactly the same set of tricks in the final years of the Soviet Union are still in positions of power and responsibility today.

    Right, I think a lot of 'conspiracy theorists' feel the same way.

    Which begs the question, was 9/11 just some massively lucky windfall for these people in power?

    Or did they have a hand in executing, controlling, or at the very least allowing it to happen?

    There's just so much about the events of that day that 'feel wrong' to millions of people, and the simplistic explanations the government offers only make those feelings worse.

    Even if these 'conspiracy' theories involving physics could be disproven beyond a shadow of a doubt, dozens of others remain unaswered.

    I don't think condescention is the answer to changing people's minds on this subject.

  • stillajwexelder

    Which begs the question, was 9/11 just some massively lucky windfall for these people in power?

    it put the economy in a recession - why would they want that?

  • Lloyd Braun
    Lloyd Braun

    One of the best documentaries detailing all the precise points of the day is the following entitled

    "INSIDE 9/11 - ZERO HOUR."

    There is really no question who did all this, and why. It is about intense hatred for the Western World by those who are either less priviledged, or feel oppressed by us. I happen to be doing a study right now which precludes that the USA is the "Israel of God" that the bible describes, and that we are being punished by God just like Israel was punished by Hitler in the 40's, because we keep abandoning the Torah and fornicating with the Harlot of Babylon. Lots of people think that Hurricane Katrina was directed at New Orleans by God, because of the city's known iniquitous lifestyles.

    American developers who were Jewish were well aware of these things when they constructed Las Vegas. Why on earth do you think it's in the middle of the Desert? No floods, no landslides, no earthquakes, etc can really occur there...

    Oh hey, I'm going off on a rant of my own... Anyway, just some thoughts.

    But one thing is for sure. No matter who hit the buildings in NYC and DC, it was done with airplanes, and only airplanes. The only demolition done was after the fact, by the NYC Fire Dept on WTC#7, at the permission of the leaseholder. This is a common practice, as it was also done weeks later with the other WTC builidings in the immediate area as well.

  • sixsixsixtynine

    it put the economy in a recession - why would they want that?

    Well, who is affected by an economic reccession, the average person or the super wealthy?

    Military contractors (Halliburton, et al) and oil companies seem to have been doing great the last six years.

  • sixsixsixtynine
    I happen to be doing a study right now which precludes that the USA is the "Israel of God" that the bible describes, and that we are being punished by God just like Israel was punished by Hitler in the 40's, because we keep abandoning the Torah and fornicating with the Harlot of Babylon. Lots of people think that Hurricane Katrina was directed at New Orleans by God, because of the city's known iniquitous lifestyles.

    American developers who were Jewish were well aware of these things when they constructed Las Vegas. Why on earth do you think it's in the middle of the Desert? No floods, no landslides, no earthquakes, etc can really occur there...

    You personally believe this?

  • Lloyd Braun
    Lloyd Braun

    I said I am conducting a study. I read lots of things. What I believe in my heart is another matter, and one I usually just keep to myself nowadays. But the study is freely available in most theological Rabbinic institutions. Think about this though, for 200 years this country was blessed and has been a great place. I think the fact that we built our amendments on the 10 commandments has something to do with it. There is a lot more detail on this subject.


  • Leolaia

    %@#$&, I just lost a lengthy post explaining why these are NOT squibs by pressing the wrong button.... crap. I can't rewrite the whole thing, so quickly here are just a few points from it:

    1) Real squibs result from demolition charges inside the columns exploding. In none of these examples are detonation flashes visible.

    2) Real squibs are most intense at the moment of detonation, with the ejected debris decelerating subsequently. These so-called squibs behave in the opposite manner. The major "squib" at 0:54 to 0:57 starts out small and then greatly increases in strength and intensity. That is not how real squibs behave. This is a jet of air and material that is squeezed or forced out of building at that spot. Since the building contained a volume of 90-95% air, the collapse of the upper block of floors would have compressed the air below, especially the air in the stairwells and elevator shafts.

    3) People who were in the stairwells during the collapse of WTC1 described the rapid increase of air pressure as a "hurricane-type force" and "wind tunnel" winds that threw some of them down flights of stairs (cf.,

    4) Quite a few of the "squibs" occurred at Sky Lobby floors (cf. those at 0:55-57, 1:05, the two visible at 3:47, etc.) and this is where most of the elevator shafts for the upper floors terminated as the diagram at 1:20 shows. BTW, the video author claims without justification that the Sky Lobby floors would have withstood and/or arrested the collapse of the upper floors then underway. What reason is there for expecting this? (See for a discussion of the energy transfer involved) The Sky Lobby would have had to resist roughly the equivalent of a 32-story building slamming into it.

    Abaddon wrote:

    I have yet to see ONE conspiracist come up with calculations showing the amount of explosives and wiring required to set up WTC 1, 2 & 7 for demolition, and of how this was done without attracting attention considering how long this would realistically take. ... Preparing the WTC towers for demolition without anyone noticing or one person breaking silence is just as a big fairy story.

    Exactly. This is the #1 reason why I regard lay claims of "controlled demolition" as untenable from the start. Preparing a building for demolition is a very noisy and noticeable process. I know...I've witnessed it myself and videotaped the whole process from start to finish (see Non-load bearing walls and drywall have to be removed to get at the critical columns themselves and holes have to be drilled into them to place charges and detcord. It can take weeks or months of demolition work. To claim that all of this would have been done in secret in occupied buildings (3 of 'em -- count 'em) with strict security already in place is mind boggling. It's not done by just planting a few explosives here and there. And all three towers are far taller than the tallest building ever brought down by controlled demolition, the J. L. Hudson Department Store which was only 29 stories above ground. That would have been the most monumental endeavor ever conceived in the business of controlled demolition and it would have all been done in secret, with no heavy equipment, with no visible evidence that it had ever been done. Sorry, that's way too big for me to swallow.

    Here is an article by an expert in the demolition business btw:

  • JeffT

    Why did they feel the need to bring the buildings down completely?

  • Lloyd Braun
    Lloyd Braun


    The WTC#7 was brought down with thermite charges. It was done after it had already sustained subsequent damage from the fall of the twin towers. It was done at the express permission of the leaseholder, Mr. Silverstein. These are facts that are plainly available at the NYC's county of Manhattan Recorder's office of records. It was not a planned demolition, but one that had to be done as quickly as possible, with little or no blueprints to work from. It was done by all the resources available that afternoon. It took 4 1/2 hours to "pull" that building, for the safety of other buildings.

    Please stand corrected on the WTC#7 issue. This building just like many other buildings in Manhattan have underground support beams. No drywall or other building materials in the way. They just tied a wrap on the central columns underneath (about three all together) and blew out the center base of the building. It pancaked on it's own weight, which was going to happen anyway, with time.

    You have to have an understanding of how towers in Manhattan are built before you can even remotely compare them to other skyscrapers in other cities. Different regions, climates, codes, buildings, ground, etc, all factor into this.

    The entire controlled demolition argument by the conspiracy nuts is ludicrous.


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