Do you think JW's grow and mature as they age?

by megsmomma 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    They regress intellectually for those who did not grow up in. The jw's somehow suck the memory out of people or just replace known facts & figures with nonsense.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Spiritually, the WT keeps it's members, all thier lives, in a diaper....usually, a "pissy" one from the attitudes of most JWs. It is the means by which control is maintained...they will not go beyond the skirts of Mother Org.

    It is sad and sick.


  • mentalclearness

    This is such an excellent post. I think that although intellectually you might grow at some point, the lack of experience from living in a bubble wher most of your point of reference are the jw's and their beliefs stunts average emotional maturity. I know for a fact that many are naive (almost child-like) especially because you grow up assuming so many things and not really proving them for yourself. I had someone from this forum tell me that he had read a research article stating that adult jw's had he emotional maturity of your average twelve year old...hmmmstill waiting for that link.....

  • WTWizard

    They do not grow or mature with age--being mature naturally means being able to make one's own decisions, and they never do that. I think what does happen is that they become more intolerant of outside ideas. They become set in their ways, not open to anything outside their organization. No one is able to grow intellectually while still in--if anything, they are only allowed to think within the box.

    If anyone does grow intellectually, they are "falling out of the truth". This usually results in severe houndings. More time in field circus and studying the Puketower literature is often the result, and they cut off whatever worldly material could be feeding the growth. That damn Internet is usually the first thing to go--people without Internet are urged to cut off the Time Vacuum (hmm, it seems that a lot of those damn TV shows are exposing the real truth so stay away from those science and history shows). If anyone is associating with worldly people, that is blamed for it and the association is cut off.

    What always happens to people that follow "Godly Wisdom--TM" is that they become stagnant. With all outside connections cut off, all that's left is the crap from the Puketower Society. And independent thinking is totally cut off, resulting in total stagnation. They either become depressed or intolerant of outside ideas. Usually they grow into old fogeys--and sometimes they aren't really all that old (all you have to be is intolerant of the younger generation's ideas in toto to be an old fogey, not necessarily old). Either way, their ability to play and enjoy life is cut off.

    Which in turn defeats the whole purpose of living forever. No one wants to live forever as an old fogey. No one wants to be depressed forever, either. Nor does anyone want some old fogey telling them what to do forever. And that is the type of life that the Watchtower Society is actually offering, whether people realize it or not. To me, that is not growing or maturing (a truly mature older person is tolerant of younger people's ideas and even integrates them in an effort to find the real truth; hence such a person is not an old fogey.)

  • megsmomma
    megsmomma all are soooo insightfull. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel so bad that this happens. I hope I can help my daughter keep her mind going and not be stunted by the BORG......Geeeez....It really makes me angry.

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