Cain and Abel - where did they get the idea of a burnt offering?

by truthseeker 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Narkissos

    The story of Cain and Abel is fraught with "logical" problems because its setting has most likely been displaced at a certain stage of its development.

    Part of the story functions as an etiology (a tale meant to explain the cause or origin) of the Qenite (or Cainite: Cain = Qain) semi-nomadic tribe which plays a very important role in Israelite history. This originally had nothing to do with the beginnings of mankind (compare the story of Lot's daughters for a similar etiology of the Moabites and Ammonites, in a later setting).

    When this story was moved back to the origins of mankind, a number of logical problems artifically emerged (i.e. who might kill Cain, with whom would he marry?).

    The farmer vs. shepherd (i.e. sedentary vs. nomadic, crop vs. flock) motif probably belongs to the original story (Abel's way of life being transferred on Cain as a curse) but once moved to the primeval setting it takes a much more general scope. Whence, probably, an additional oddity: the story now seems to provide the origin of sacrifices and at the same time takes them (and their scale of values, animal > vegetable) for granted.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis



    While raising my children, I tried to teach them that love requires sacrifice; it means putting oneself second at times. However, I would never ask them to kill an animal to 'prove' how much they loved me.


  • WTWizard

    To me, neither one owed Jehovah any sacrifice. It destroyed a load of vegetables and a lamb. Total waste. And shame on Jehovah for not accepting Cain's sacrifice when he had no sheep to offer. Does this mean that Jehovah expects everyone to give Him things they do not have?

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    They got the idea from the October 1, 6001 B.C.E issue of the Watchtower.

  • RunningMan

    Ok, here's another Abel question - Since JWs believe that no one ate meat until after the flood, what was Abel doing with the sheep in the first place?

    Don't forget that there were no women on the planet, other than their mother. I will say no more.

  • writetoknow

    So much speculation and that is all it can be. It a book of faith... God knew what was in Cains heart that's also recorded. He knew what was in Abels heart He knows what in all peoples hearts He searches them.

    The sacrifice did not matter it was why they sacrificed and only God knows that. God's people communicated with Him in the past where did that idea come from? If a person wants to please God how hard would it be for them to be taught by God what is pleasing to Him?

    Obviously, there must of been some jeaously and hate in Cains heart or he would not have killed his brother. So if the scriptures are correct I don't imagine his superfical sacrifice meant much to God.

    There were sacrifice all kinds including fruits after the law was given. The point was be willing to give your best to God from the heart. God can't be fooled in by outward show of piety. And that is the reason the bible is not a legal book. And is why the bible is parables to those not having God Spirit; The distrust practice of studying the bible is a legalistic approach to a God of faith who cannot be understood without His help.

  • exwitless
    Where did Cain and Abel get the idea of "Burnt Offering`s?".....They went to my Mom`s house for Dinner!.....Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

    Outlaw, you are hilarious!

    And now back to the topic at hand. I'm quite fascinated-great question. Reading on...

  • RunningMan

    Well, let's go another step with this one.

    Imagine that you have two children. One of them says, "Mom, I have a gift for you. It's a flower from the garden."

    The other one slits the dog's throat and puts it on the barbie.

    Which one is the good one?

  • Scully

    Cain... "I'm going to roast these potatoes and offer them as a burnt offering to the LORD. They are the best that I have."

    Abel... "Oh yeah? Well, hoser, I'm going to throw a frikkin SHEEP on your roasting fire and offer THAT to the LORD. Let's see which one he likes better."

    The LORD: "MMMMMMMMMuttttonnnnnn" :::: drools :::::

    Cain: "OMG I am so gonna kill that brother of mine."

  • moomanchu
    Imagine that you have two children. One of them says, "Mom, I have a gift for you. It's a flower from the garden."

    The other one slits the dog's throat and puts it on the barbie.

    Which one is the good one?

    What if the mom hated the dog and wanted him to die?

    What if the flower was her prize rose that she was nurturing?

    What if ???????????

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