Bethel- Which Governing Body member had a Nervous Breakdown and why?

by Witness 007 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chameleon

    This is great.


  • changeling

    My family knew his brother Ted very well. He was a "holy terror" on the circuit. Banning TV viewing and eating raw onions with every meal. He made his wife Doris wash their clothes by hand to prepare her for the "great tribulation".


  • R.F.

    How in the world did he pull off banning t.v.???

  • greendawn

    Rutherford just used religion to promote his own personal interests, he did not feel it or believe in it and for all we know he may have been an atheist.

    He certainly was a man of the devil himself arrogant and greedy for power so how was his telling others beware of the Devil? It was just emotional manipulation to browbeat them. An angel of Satan turning into an angel of light to infiltrate and deceive.

  • LongHairGal

    To have somebody say: "..the devil is after you" would make me reply: "I guess he already got you".

    Really, it sounds like the inmates were really running the show back then with all those 'colorful' arrogant bastards.


  • BluesBrother

    Some quotes actually from the cd rom

    w84 10/1 p. 24 ‘Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me’ ***

    How I enjoyed music! Being able to devote my full time to it was rewarding indeed. While serving on Staten Island, I also had the rare privilege of getting better acquainted with J. F. Rutherford, who was then president of the Watch Tower Society. This was because he spent half of each week there, as those peaceful surroundings were most favorable for writing—and what a lot of that he did!

    Brother Rutherford was like an understanding and loving father to me, even though he repeatedly had occasion to reprove me for breaking some rule. I especially remember one time when he gave me a blunt reproof. The next time he saw me, he cheerily said, "Hello Karl!" But because of still feeling hurt, I just muttered a greeting. He countered, "Karl, watch out! The Devil’s after you!" Embarrassed, I replied, "Oh, there’s nothing, Brother Rutherford." But he knew better, and so repeated his warning, "That’s all right. Just watch out. The Devil’s after you." How right he was! When we harbor resentment against a brother, especially for saying something he has a right to say in the line of duty, we leave ourselves open to the Devil’s snares.—Ephesians 4:25-27.

    * w84 10/1 pp. 26-27 ‘Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me’ ***

    Truly, how rewarding Jehovah’s dealings have been with me despite my weaknesses and shortcomings! And yet, highly favored as I had been for close to 50 years, the greatest privilege was still ahead. In November 1974, I was invited to become a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This invitation so overwhelmed me that I needed encouragement to accept it. Among other things, it was pointed out to me that a goodly number of others had also been invited. Actually, seven others were invited, increasing the membership of the Governing Body at that time from 11 to 18.

    w84 10/1 p. 28 ‘Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me’ ***

    Due to inherited weaknesses and my impulsive nature, my life has had its share of trials and tribulations, including a nervous breakdown after I had been at Bethel for nine years

    NB He joined Bethel in 1925, so had a breakown in 1934. He joined the GB 40 years later in 1974

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Klien also says at Bethel he suffered "a broken knee cap, fractured vertebrae" also "Both my own failings AND THOSE OF OTHERS have kept my life from being smooth sailing." Regarding not getting along with Knorr his wife told him;"It's not to be expected that an efficent executive {Knorr} and a very romantic musician {Klien} would see eye to eye." Klien "served at Bethel for 38 years as a single person." {From 1925-1963 Since marriage was frowned apon} He admits ; "thankful to Jehovah that when I was spiritually weak the opportunity for yielding to temptation did not lie close at hand and when it did I was spiritually strong enough not to yield...the inclination toward wrongdoing and the opportunity for it, never coincided..." {lucky!}

  • Leolaia
    *** w84 10/1 p. 24 ‘Jehovah Has Dealt Rewardingly With Me’ ***

    Brother Rutherford was like an understanding and loving father to me, even though he repeatedly had occasion to reprove me for breaking some rule. I especially remember one time when he gave me a blunt reproof. The next time he saw me, he cheerily said, "Hello Karl!" But because of still feeling hurt, I just muttered a greeting. He countered, "Karl, watch out! The Devil’s after you!" Embarrassed, I replied, "Oh, there’s nothing, Brother Rutherford." But he knew better, and so repeated his warning, "That’s all right. Just watch out. The Devil’s after you." How right he was! .... Due to inherited weaknesses and my impulsive nature, my life has had its share of trials and tribulations, including a nervous breakdown after I had been at Bethel for nine years.

    Here is another reminiscence of Rutherford:

    "George Hannan's case was in connection with the Madison Square Garden riot. George was one of the ushers and at one of the sessions concerning those ushers claim was made against George that he had not performed his duties properly. George tried to explain. The Judge shut him off as quick as that. He said, 'You needn't say any more,' in a strong, brutal, rough tone of voice... [C. J.] Woodworth sent a letter to the Judge as we were sitting at the table in which he made reference to a calendar. Woodworth had written an article on the calendar in which he had developed a new form of calendar, and in this private note to the Judge he stated that he felt as though he was using the Devil's tools or using something of the Devil in using the old calendar, and that day at noon the Judge jumped on Woodworth without warning, calling him a jackass, and Woodworth said, 'Yes, Brother Rutherford, I presume I am a jackass.' 'Yes, you are a jackass,' he said, and Woodworth said, 'I am sorry.' 'Yes, you always say you are sorry. I am sick and tired of it,' and he put it much more forcibly than I could ever do' (Testimony of Olin R. Moyle, p. 369).

    And another:

    "Q. You say that the word 'sissy' was mentioned? A. Yes, sir. Q. Who mentioned it? A. Judge Rutherford. Q. And he mentioned it right in the dining room, didn't he? A. Yes, sir. Q. So that everybody could hear it? A. Yes, sir. Q. And he mentioned it in a note of displeasure, did he not? A. Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that... Q. Well, he was displeased, was he not? A. Yes. Q. And he said so above a whisper, did he not? A. Yes, sir. Q. A loud tone of voice? A. Reasonable enough for two hundred people to hear. Q. And he was upset about the incident at the Garden? A. He was disturbed. Q. Because things had not gone along as he had planned them, isn't that right. A. That is right" (Testimony of George Hannan, pp. 1243-1244).

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Watchtower reverse spin white wash time folks!

    Watch.93 12/1 p.18 "EXAMPLES OF HUMILITY TO IMITATE - Rutherford ....when he prayed with the Bethel family, he sounded just like a small boy talking to his daddy, thus giving evidence...of humility."

    Watch 04 8/1 p.12 "At the convention....50 year old Rutherford gladly volunteered as a bellhop, carrying luggage and escorting conventioners to their rooms....he was genuinely humble..." {I thought he was sick and had to live in California/Bethsarim?????}

    Faith on the March p.73 "Rutherford's background...he had no youthful life...his Father was a strict disciplinarian, which deprived young Rutherford of any emotional life....Rutherford was very kind hearted."

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Faith of the March p.34 A.H Macmillan {later on the Watchtower board of directors} says "..At 16 I decided to be a preacher. I wen't away to school some distance from home. For some reason not clear to me now I suffered a nervous breakdown and had to quit..."

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