For Those Born 1930 - 1979 Remember The Good Old Days ?

by AWAKE&WATCHING 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Prometheus2

    ... and people were so nice and welcoming ...

    ... and they never took themselves too seriously ...

    ... and they never resorted to name calling ....

    oops! It's the Schutzstaffel! Off to the camps for me ....

    ... good thing I got my slinky.

  • skeeter1

    Anticipation ....the great ketchup jingle.


  • ronin1

    You just had to spoil our memories, didn't you?

  • Dorktacular

    oops! It's the Schutzstaffel! Off to the camps for me ....

    ... good thing I got my slinky

    Hmmm..... remember the good ol' days before the internet and when we were all still in the Borg? Nah, I'll take the internet and high-quality Saturday morning Mexican internet porn any day! Haa haa. Seriously. Life sucked when I was a kid. I'm more happy now. No field service to worry about and the only boring meetings I have to attend are the ones we have while I'm at work. That's part of the problem with being raised as a JW; you really don't have any good old days to reminisce about.

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