
by Bill Parker 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • dhook

    I remember Jesus saying that wherever two or three are gathered together in My name, there I will be also. Perhaps that answers your question.

  • bboyneko
  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi Individual:
    I n looking at your first question where you alluded to what Peter stated at 1 Peter 4: 17 that "Judgement starts with the house of God"... Since that is the case of necessity there has to be an organization on earth containing at least some members of the house of God. Whether we like it or not the Watchtower Society is where its at. That is the true Christian Congregation. That is where the Judgment will start. Since it starts there it hasn't been "TRUE". But you already know that.

    As to "who will be saved"?Matthew 25:31-40 shows that some will be blessed and inherit the Kingdom.Verses 41-46 is dealing with those who receive adverse judgment. This great crowd that comes out of the great tribulation is handpicked by the Messiah. That was focused on in verse 32 of Matthew 25. I have heard it said that they are judged on the basis of how they received those who were preaching the good news of the kingdom. Do you believe that is correct? THe Society has a long record of failed prophecies.Isn't it possible because of that many will slam the door in disgust without listening to a word? My understanding of how the judgment is done is based on what is in the heart of each individual. Only Jehovah and his Son Christ Jesus can read the heart. That way it can be termed "righteous judgment". IT will be quite different from the way man would do it. We can be thankful for that! Those who are separated out to inherit the Kingdom will be the ones who fulfill His criteria and make up the great crowd. So I believe that the unfaithfull Watchtower Society is the organization representing Jehovah God. Did I convey the idea that I believed the entire organization had turned apostate? I thought that I said that that was not a blanket statement. That I believed there were members in there who did not really know what was going on. Then I said but Jehovah knows the heart of each one. Or words to that effect. Well I did the best I could. Bill Parker

  • peterstride

    "Only Jehovah and his Son Christ Jesus can read the heart. That way it can be termed "righteous judgment". IT will be quite different from the way man would do it. We can be thankful for that!"

    I'm thankfull for that!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • peterstride

    I'm bringing this back to the top...because although the article Bill wrote is lengthy...it's also (in my humble opinion) very good!


  • Pureheart

    Hello Bill,

    I applaud you for all of the hard work that you put into this article. Prophecy has always baffled me. Many prophecies in the Bible are pretty much left uninterpreted. Many people have taken on the task of trying to interpret them and there are so many interpretations. I've always questioned any one mans interpretations of the Bible, no matter who they were. The WTS have attempted to interpret prophecies and have failed as others have. That is because Genesis 40:8 states that interpretations belong to God.
    Jesus said to stay awake to his coming and to teach others to do the same. He gave us a rule to follow in order to be considered as sheep. Matthew 22: 37-39 says, "you must love God and you must love your neighbor". That is the greatest commandment.
    We must follow that rule and leave the rest up to Jehovah God.

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi Pureheart!
    Your right about staying awake. I guess what I have been trying to do by being immersed in these Bible subjects is to do just that. I really tried to stay within the guidlines of the Bible when I did that article. Even so I was deeply troubled after I finished it. What's the Bible say? "Even when you think you know a thing you do not yet know it just as you should" 1Corinthians 8:2 That should keep people humble. I wonder if the W.T.S. has read that scripture yet?

    The scripture that you cited at Matthew 22:37-40 really say's it all doesn't it? It seems to me in the entire religious realm it simply is not there? What we have is a religious wasteland devoid of any compassion kindness or mercy. They fold their hands over their hearts and piously tell you they are christian. ??? Bill Parker

  • pettygrudger

    I get the sense that you still believe the JW faith is the "one true" organization of God.

    If this is the case, are you of the opinion that persons should continue to follow the WTBTS, and their local JW congregations, regardless of whether one "believes" what they are being taught there? If so, are you of the opinion that those who are DA'd/DF'd should try to be reinstated in order to receive Jehovah's blessing, even if they are in doubt with what they are learning?

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi pettygrudger:
    No! Most definitely not! I believe what the Bible say's. "Where the Spirit of Jehovah is there is freedom" 2Corinthians 3:17 If the freedom is not there neither is the Spirit of Jehovah. You well know the freedom is not there! I was told by an Elder to "keep your opinions to yourself" That's funny I thought Canada's Charter told me that I had a right to my opinions and to freely express those opinions.That Elder would bitch and moan if you said that to him in the door to door work. Of course he wants his right's and freedoms but doesn't allow anyone else in the congregation to have their's. Let me tell you this: you couldn't drag me back in there with a Mack Truck! Bill Parker

  • peterstride

    Hey Pettygrudger,

    I read & re-read Bill's comments...and I still can't see how you got the sense that Bill believes that the JW cult is the alleged "truth".

    Bill is humble enough to remember 1 Cor. 8:2...but the WTS sure isn't. They keep elevating themselves up high over all mankind.

    Keep up the good work Bill!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

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