Please point me to the most horrible logical fallacy from the watchtower...

by DeusMauzzim 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • DeusMauzzim

    ...... so I can hand it in for my Logic class next week and have a chance of getting it into the course program next year . Preferably from the magazines, but books are ok as well. A quote will do, I can handle the logical deconstruction myself.

    Please help this young apostate spread his evil lies at the synagogue of Satan called university


    Deus Mauzzim

    (PS I won't be able to post as much as I would like due to my classes beginning again, but know that I will be thinking of you and checking your posts whenever I can )

  • The-Borg

    OK let me think

    Christ took over rulership of the world in 1914

    Babylon the Great fell in 1919

    Going to University is supporting Satans System

    Pioneering will give you a fulfilling and happy life full of purpose

    Jehovahs' witnesses are the most loving and united organisation in the history of mankind

    Armageddon is just around the corner so put you life on hold

    Jehovah's witnesses love each other

    Jehovah's witnesses don't gossip

    Birthdays are pagan and will cost you your life at armageddon but wedding rings are ok

  • Anti-Christ

    This is from erynw under the topic "Great QFR, really stupid answer from WT

    I was looking at who incited David to take the census, Satan or Jahooba (2 Sam 24:1 vs 1 Chron 21:1). Anyway, I was searching the WT 2006 CD and I came across this QFR that has nothing to do with what I was looking for, but I could not believe what I was reading. THIS has to be one of the most inane "Reasonings" from the scriptures I have ever read. This is from the 8-1-1960 WT, QFR:

    How can Deuteronomy 24:16, which says, "Children should not be put to death on account of fathers," be harmonized with the fact that the offspring of the adulterous relation between David and Bath-sheba died due to their sin, as shown in 2 Samuel 12:14?—J. B., U.S.A.

    The law, as stated at Deuteronomy 24:16, shows that fathers were not to be put to death for their sons nor were sons to be put to death for their fathers. In man's administration of justice each was to die for his own sin, and not drag innocent relatives down with him. In this particular case of David and Bath-sheba neither of them had a right to the child and so there was no injustice in their being deprived of it. Besides, as an uncircumcised, unnamed infant it had not as yet developed any personality pattern or consciousness so as to appreciate life. Then again, Bath-sheba could have been stoned to death for her adultery, in which case the unborn child would also have perished. However, as previously noted in The Watchtower, David was shown mercy because of the Kingdom covenant, which Jehovah had made with him. Nevertheless, to drive home the fact of Jehovah's displeasure he let the child die, which was a very severe blow to King David. Two similar instances are recorded in David's life: One was in connection with the death of Uzzah, who tried to steady the ark of the covenant; the other was the destruction of tens of thousands of Israelites because King David presumptuously and proudly determined to number the hosts of Israel. (1 Chron. 15:13; 21:1-27) Such records as these magnify the supremacy of Jehovah God and underscore the words: "He [God] doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?"—Dan. 4:35, AS.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Even as a die hard dub I had a problem with this one. How can the 144,000 still be gathered in the 20th century, some 1900 yrs after the calling, sorting, whatever you want to call it began.

    Especially in light of the fact that in 33ce acts tells us of some 10,000 people getting baptized and by the end of pauls life (late 1st century) he tells of the good news reaching the ends of the earth.

  • nvrgnbk

    That they claim to be who they claim to be.

    It's absurd on so many levels.

    I am embarrassed to have ever believed it.

    But to not believe it was to assure my eternal destruction.

    So I stuck with absurd.

    For a while.

  • Narkissos

    blood is sacred because it symbolises life; hence, one must not use blood to save a life.

  • sir82

    As a corollary to Narkissos' point:

    It is a definite sin worthy of eternal death to take a transfusion of blood plasma; however, if you separate the water out of the plasma, then reconstitute the remainder with different water and then transfuse it, it is perfectly acceptable in God's eyes.

  • Honesty
    Please point me to the most horrible logical fallacy from the watchtower...

    Just take your pick of anything the Watchtower crew has ever printed.

    It's all bullshit.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    The order to shun their ex- and non- JW FAMILY. Pure evil. They site the 'bad association' verse and tell the fleck that the end is nigh and that we're about to die anyways, so don't spend the time left with us.

    My life long favorite: 'the resurrected do not marry nor are they given in marriage, they are like angels' bullsh!t. All the kind men and women we've known who have lost their spouses, and you know that horrid memorial talk--the one in which the spouse is not mentioned as a recipient of the 'blessings of the resurrection', only friends and children. Makes me so F'n sick. It grated on me when I was a kid too.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    The order to shun their ex- and non- JW FAMILY. Pure evil. They site the 'bad association' verse and tell the fleck that the end is nigh and that we're about to die anyways, so don't spend the time left with us.

    My life long favorite: 'the resurrected do not marry nor are they given in marriage, they are like angels' bullsh*t. All the kind men and women we've known who have lost their spouses, and you know that horrid memorial talk--the one in which the spouse is not mentioned as a recipient of the 'blessings of the resurrection', only friends and children. Makes me so F'n sick. It grated on me when I was a kid too.

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