Jesus is the answer!

by startingover 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    I hope it worked. My intent with the title of this thread was to attract both believers and non-believers.

    Whenever a thread appears promoting the wonders of Jesus, it will inevitably develop into a back and forth discussion ad nauseam.

    I was born into a family that believed there was a God, he had a son Jesus and his word was the Bible. The thought that there was no God or Jesus never crossed my mind. So one day after I figured out my birth religion was a scam, suddenly my world view widened immensely. When that happened, discussions between believers and non-believers really caught my attention. I was enthralled with the things I read, the logic expressed was something foreign to me, but oh so attractive.

    So I ask this question - Has anyone been influenced to believe in Jesus by reading these exchanges on discussion boards such as this? How about being influenced to non-belief?

    To get things rolling, I am now an atheist because of these discussions.

  • shell69

    I am completely ANTI- organised rel;igion of any sort!

    I wouldnt say that reading this board has made me give any more thought to jesus, but then maybe its just early days for me; and the mention of the jesus/ god anything makes me recoil in horror!!


  • fresia

    The best discussions about Jesus I have had are with people that are not religious, but have a christian mind but not nesasarily religious, I would call them spiritual. For example they believe that no miricles happened but rather what was written was philoshical and we can learn the principle behind the 40 fishes and loaves.

    Also those that dont have a religion but believe in Jesus are also so much easier to debate with or disguss different things pertaining to the bible, once dogma enters (religion) all irrational thought gets lost and it can turn into a war of is jesus a trinity or not and does the preaching of the kingdom mean to go door to door, you know what I mean.

    I think Ghandi got it right, when he said if eveyone tried to live by the principles Jesus set out from the sermon on the mount the world would be a better place.

    Relgion hyjacked Jesus as they did the creator.

  • frankiespeakin

    Jesus is the answer, to,, what was the question again?

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    sister: what lives in trees and eats nuts

    little boy: sister, I know Jesus is the answer! but, it sounds like a squirrel to me.

  • startingover

    Come on you couple of smart a$$es, serious question here.

    I think the believers are turning more people into non-believers through these discussions, does anyone else think that's true

  • shell69

    I wouldn't really agree with that; After what we'veall been through we come to site like this with the permission to be ourselves. For some folks may still feel a 'spiritual' need or desire, others for their own reasons may have had any faith in god destroyed by the borg.

    To be an exjw means that youve already taken a very brave step; I don't think posters on the site are so weak minded that they allow everything that others think and believe to influence them.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Well there are some Christian believers here who at times make me feel embarrassed to be a Christian - but how I see it is that they're on their journey and I'm on mine, it's all good, hopefully the jests and comments directed at them will at least encourage them to rethink their attitudes and not to take themselves too seriously.

    I actually struggle more with the believers I meet in person, I'm sometimes left wondering "What is the point of being a Christian if it makes you no different to anyone else other than claiming that Jesus is your saviour?" - Where is the love???

    Time for more believers to get walking the talk instead of talking the walk methinks

    "Preach the Gospel wherever you go - use words if necessary" - Francis of Assissi

  • anewme

    Im sure there are some real intellectuals who believe in Jesus.

    They are just hard to find and rarely do you get a chance to converse with them, especially about their beliefs.

  • snowbird

    I believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. I believed that before I became a JW. In fact, that is what caused me to leave the JW's. I felt as Mary Magdalene did - that they had taken my Lord away ...

    However, I'm leery of those who are always spouting off, "I'm a Christian." The word Christian only appears in the Bible three times. Three!!! A similar occurrence with the word salvation. Our Lord only used the word salvation twice - both times to non-disciples. Can we take a hint or does it have to be a knockdown? It's not about words, it's about actions.

    Anyway, before this turns into a full-scale rant, I will end by saying it is my personal opinion that the WTS has done its share of turning quite a few people away from Jesus. Ironic, isn't it?


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