Do you think that JW's will ever get rid of the "1914" doctrine?

by booker-t 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    Im pretty sure its gone today. When I was a witnoid. They said the generation of a discernable age, 14 15 would not pass away without seeing the end or the big A as they are fond of calling it.

    That would make that generation 114 years old.

    I think they are gone.

    As far as I remember all the soldiers that fought in ww1 are gone.

    They will probably be puling 200 year old people out of the hat for the next hundred years.

    But if you want to hang on to their faulty thinking they can probably string you along for the rest of your life. Even if your a 10 year old.

    Then again maybe you like to think of Jehober as the Cosmic Joker. Then things are right on course.

  • bobld

    Yes, they will change it and the R&F cults slaves will accept what ever the Dead gone FDS/GB OF 1914 say.They can twist scriptures like any hurricanes,


  • Liberty

    I think they effectively already did get rid of it in 1995. Since then the "Generation" has been described as any one who does not recognize that Jesus has been enthroned. They changed the entire meaning shifting it from old faithful believers who lived during that time to it now being any and all worldly sinners who fail to recognize the authority of the Watch Tower Society(the physical manifestation of Christ's enthronement). There will never be a shortage of wordly unbelievers so they are safe for years to come.

    Since the doctrine it is now primarily applied to "worldly sinners" I think it is off the radar screen for most JWs. They have been letting it slowly fade away using this confusing change to shift it into obscurity along with 6000 year creative days, the organ transplant ban,and the physical heart as the seat of emotions and spirituality they have now abandoned.

    Most new convert JWs (past 10 years) never even think about the fact that Jesus has been a do-nothing king for well over 90 years now. All they know is that the WT Society is "very active in the Kingdom work" which proves Christ is enthroned so they don't think about the time involved beyond their own limited lifetimes.

  • nvrgnbk

    I don't really see how they can't get rid of it.

    This was from about six months ago:

    Will we see the GB replace 1914 with a new date in the next 30 years?

  • sspo

    There is no need to get rid of the doctrine.

    By receiving "new light" in 1995 about the meaning of the generation of 1914 that would not pass away,

    they can stick around hundreds of years without changing a thing.

    That was one smart move on their part and millions of dubs bought into it.

  • flipper

    Well , I seem to remember, somebody correct me if I'm wrong back in the 80's or 90's when I was still a jdub, they had an article talking about the flood of Noah's day and they ( the governing body ) were trying to rationalize in a watchtower article saying that the time of the end in Noah's day lasted 120 years so they compared it to our day saying, " We don't know how long Jehovah's patience will allow this system to go on so others can have the chance at salvation, but it will come at the proper time, it will not be late. " So, I remember an article something like that, then they tried to say that Jehovah may stretch it out so all deserving ones will be saved.

    Of course I know it's a bunch of bs, howver there may actually be some of these mind controlled people hanging on within their ranks thinking, well the year 2034 is 120 years from 1914, and look how patient God was in Noah's day. He waited 120 years then , so with the greatest of all battles, Armageddon coming soon, why would'nt Jehovah wait until 2034 ? Can't you just see them reasoning this way? Gawd, I'm scaring myself, I'm starting to sound like a dub. Quick someone throw some water on me, I'm on fire ! LOL, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • greendawn

    They don't need to do that because the change in 1995 took care of that, the 1914 generation is now figurative and can be stretched indefinitely. Not that this is correct but if only they had told the dubs from the beginning about this figurative meaning.

    Having invested so much in the dub org these old individuals will find it hard to accept that it was all in vain and that the adolescent fantasy of a soon to be immortality (in a paradise world) will not be fulfilled.

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