Were the Dinosuars on Noahs Ark? Watch. 1973 = Yes!!!

by Witness 007 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Hey "The Oracle" very good post I never thought of that. Why did they take extra sheep???? To sacrifice like the Jews do today.

  • MungoBaobab

    I know that picture you're talking about. It's a wider angle of the same illustration in My Book of Bible Stories, but it appears in a different publication, possibly a brochure.

    And to The Oracles point, that poor 7th clean animal. He had to watch the other clean animals getting nookie for a year, what did he get for all his patience at the end of it all? WHAMMO!!! And with no hope of resurrection, either.

  • Terry
    ....but should our lack of knowledge of God's creation cause us to lose faith in him and his word. should we let questions about preying animals prey on us?"

    We should be convinced by what we don't know and can't prove and not allow intelligence to get in our way of swallowing a story without facts or evidence.

    That is the educational work of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    It is their mission statement.

  • Awakened07

    Based on the replies I got here, I think I'll have to work on my ability to write sarcasm/irony.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Noah accidentally took two males of each of the dinosaurs onboard.

    Today's JW believes that the dinosaurs did live millions of years ago and became extinct.
    They only concern themselves with Man since the time of Adam (a bit over 6000 years ago).

    I thought about this- my schooling as a person in his forties is mostly outdated. The science
    I learned as a kid is mostly inaccurate by today's understanding. My trying to put today's known
    facts together with my past learning causes a jumble of gibberish in my understanding of
    history and prehistory.

    I think that JW's get the same thing. The things they learned when they were younger are
    combined with their JW lessons of yore. The JW lessons have changed over the years and
    rank and file try to recall what the WTS used to say and what they now say. Their minds
    combine the thoughts until we have a jumble of gibberish in their heads about what the correct
    understanding is. Then the WT doesn't print a clear current understanding unless it's convienient
    to do so. That's what they did with the 7000-year long 'Creative Days.'

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Good point, Someone like Fred Franz went to school in 1900 when science was not taught as it is in 2007.

  • DannyHaszard
  • The Oracle
    The Oracle
    And to The Oracles point, that poor 7th clean animal. He had to watch the other clean animals getting nookie for a year, what did he get for all his patience at the end of it all? WHAMMO!!! And with no hope of resurrection, either

    Haha very funny Mugobaobab!

    I also loved that post somebody made about the saber-tooth tigers tooth embedded in the skull of its prey... LOL...

  • JCanon
    Noah would have had to store enough fresh water to last him, his family, and all the animals aboard for a year.

    The volume of water that would have been needed would have reduced the amount of space for the animals.


    I never throught about fresh water. However, probably Jehovah caused it to rain frequently enough to supply the fresh water needed. So fresh water needn't have been a problem. Interesting technical issue, though, I hadn't thought about before. JC

  • oompa

    Yes they were, and the largest of them survived outside the ark. The sexed up angels who made the Nephilem were still around, and with no women available, they decided to change form and mate with the dinosuars. The gay angels mated with the male dinosaurs, and it was pretty ugly, generally resuting in death . Unfortunately, the female dinosuars had extreme difficulty bearing angel offspring due to the large wingspan on their babies, and both female and offspring died at birth.

    I have "indirect evidence" of this, but will not share it....oompa

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