How Many of us Have Shared Our Stories on JWD ? Helps us Know you Better

by flipper 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Tell me more about the Blue Mountains.

    Yes it is run by Joan Cetnar--who used to serve at Brooklyn Bethel with her Hubby Bill. ( he died a few years ago) He started the group. Been going for over 25 years now... I just got the program. Many testimonies from EX JWs
    It is in the glourious Blue Mountains,. Most lovely scenery I have ever seen.

    if you want to know go to

    It is the happiest time of my life- because we all went through the mind control cult- know what it is like to be fooled we all love each other so much,
    You will meet others from this board there .....

  • jaguarbass

    I was raised from birth as a witness by my mother. My father was not a witness. Looking back I think of all the good things in life I missed because of the organization. An education, a career, playing sports, celebrating holidays, kind of being a social outcast. In 1983 at 31 years of age I had enough. Too many things didnt add up. I walked away, never went back. I didnt get df'd just didnt answer the phone or door. I read a lot, including the bible from cover to cover 5 times, in 3 different translations. Now I am probably an agnostic. I have searched the net and books for answers I cant say there are any that hold water. Since my leaving, about 10 years later, my mother, brother, sister and wife have left the organization all but my wife disassociated themselve by writing a letter. In my opion there are too many negative reprecussions doing it that way. My wife, left as I, just walked away, stopped going. She still can associate with her family which contains an handful of elders not that she does it a lot but she can go to family get togethers where as some of her family that took the disfelloshiping route can not. to be continued and edited. I write and record music and play in a band. Here is a link to some of my songs and pictures of the band.

  • FreedomFrog

    Maybe I will later...but too much drama comes with mine. Some of it's very painful even today as I write this. Right now I'm not ready to share my "experience".

  • brinjen

    Dogpatch posted mine here a couple of weeks before I registered

  • fresia
    if you want to know go to

    Mouthy that is a beautiful web site, and the music is wonderful. I don't live far from the Blue Mountains actually. A couple of hours on the train.


  • shopaholic

    I recently shared part of my story. I tried to keep it light since I am just so happy that I finally feel like I'm actually escaping the organization.

    I was just the opposite of the Flipper in the congo.

    However I also remember going to meetings at the kingdom hall feeling lonely and out of touch because of not being in certain cliques or groups. I noticed I was not alone in this.

    Well, I was typically involved in everything and always tried to include everyone. I would have targeted Flipper and anyone else I saw sitting in a corner. I was the cool pioneer (according to the teens in the congo) that made service fun and I organized trips and events for my bookstudy, teens and the sisters. Anyway that all changed, one day just out of the blue, no one would speak to me. I mean literally not speak to me. I would go up to a group of chatting sisters and join right in and they would either just ignore me or all walk away. I am not exaggerating. All of a sudden, when I went out in service the brother would not assign me to anyone. There would be three sisters working together and I would recommend that maybe I could join that group and even offered to drive but I was told to just meet them in the territory. Once in the territory, I was told that since I was pioneer I should be okay working alone and that's what I did. After a several weeks of this, an elder approached me and recommended that I transfer to another congo. After all, the congo that hosted the foreign language group was full of folks that were all related to each other and most had never set foot outside their local area. At first they loved all the new blood that was coming to congo to support the group but then...they decided that certain ones didn't belong. Long story short, I followed the recommendation and changed congos (by this point I was severely discouraged) and thus the whole pioneer fraud thing....blah, blah, blah.

    So yes, everyone, please continue to share your's theraputic reading.

  • bluebell

    mine is in my profile :)

  • flipper

    TULA- I totally understand. Best to keep things private if you are worried about confidentiality.

    WHAT-A-COINCIDENCE- We will all buy your book, just put a cheap price on it. lol

    BFD- Yes, I like to help others too BFD. I was raised in the false also. It would be great to hear your experiences sometime, when you feel comfortable sharing. Having been raised in the org. you have a lot to offer in way of insight because of what you have been through or learned.

    BIGDREAUX- You must know more than I do about WHAT-A-COINCIDENCE. Probably would be a interseting book.

    LAVENDAR- Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. I hope your son keeps his mind uncontrolled by this high mind control cult, the Jehovah's Witnesses. He has to keep himself informed as to what has been happening the last few years as regards the witnesses wrongdoing in child molestation settlements, blood transfusion abuse, and other blunders which would warn him away from joining it. I guarantee he wont hear negative things about the witnesses from his wife or her elders. They want to give a better than factual appearance of the organization, because it is all about outward appearances. Glad you are staying on the board, keep reading the things on the JWD board and you will get good ideas to inform yourself and your son. Peace to you.

    MOUTHY- Mouthy, you are an inspiration and very much loved by everyone on the board.You are so vitally alive, I don't think you'll find a bucket to kick very soon. We will all hide the bucket so you won't find it to kick ! Peace to you, young lady !

    SNOWBIRD- Mouthy is an angel reincarnated I truly believe !

    AWAKE & WATCHING- Yes, we have all enjoyed your openness and candor in sharing your experiences. Want you to know we care about you with unconditional love. Hope you are finding peace my friend.

    JAGUAR BASS- Thanks Jaguar for sharing a bit of yourself with us. I know how you feel about lost opportunities too. I was raised from birth in the cult as well. I too felt I missed out on higher education, a career, sports, which I might have chosen for a career, and lots of other things. I got out of the witnesses at 44, 4 years ago and like you and your wife, just walked away. It is easier, and you can still occasionally see your witness family. I love music too. What kind do you play? Peace out, I'll pm you soon.

    FREEDOM FROG- I understand how you feel. We all have much pain. Some of us like you, more than others. But just know we care about you, we are always here. Enjoy your posts, you seem to have a solid good justice streak in you, a genuine nice person. Peace.

    BRINJEN- Thanks for sharing your amazing story. I hope you are finding peace in your heart my friend. I enjoyed reading your story. You seem like a strong, good woman to have taken the courageous steps you have in your life. Just know we all care for you as our friend with unconditional love. Peace.

    SHOPAHOLIC- Even though I was not involved in cliques, I always was communicative, friendly like you. But as I found out if you just look at someone funny in the org. people will impute wrong motives and stop talking with you. Nice story by you, you seem like a real sweet person. Hope you are finding peace too, my friend. Peace.

    BLUEBELL- What a heartwarming and heartwrenching story you have. I'm so glad you have found happiness with your man. You don't have to be afraid anymore. You have found real love. May you have peace my friend. I enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for writing it. Peace out, to you and thanks everybody for replying. Mr. Flipper

  • serendipity

    My story is at this link: (The link is also in my profile.) I no longer identify myself as a JW and I've faded. I will have to attend the Memorial every year to keep family members from shunning me, but it's a small price to pay.

  • flipper

    SERENDIPITY- Tried to click on your site to read your story, but it wouldn't work. Hey , I'm kinda dumb when it comes to some of this computer stuff

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