Ever have a "paranormal" event or experienced something unexplicable?

by fedorE 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fedorE

    Once when I was returning from work I decided to take a short cut home. It was the Halloween week and ppl had their houses decked out. I turned into a dark road that has a house just every so often. I noticed on my left that a homeowner had built a nice looking spaceship equipped with a martian inside it. It looked great and took me by surprise. As i kept driving I looked up and saw lights. Nothing like in the movies but just dozens of large sized lights in the sky and all close together. I knew they weren't stars. I could see stars. But these looked like big street lamps in the sky. I just sat there looking at them for a while. All i saw were lights in the sky. There's nothing to say that they weren't something else...but...I was shocked none the less.

    Another time in my early 30's I was starting to use drugs. I was doing a lot things i shouldn't of been doing health wise and was on the wrong path. I can still remember getting up one morning and the microwave was flashing 11:11. I got into my car and the time was 11:11. I gave it no more thought until i kept seeing 11:11 everywhere i went.And I mean everywhere! My sleeping habits were the same as they had always been. Nothing was changed in my life. I kept taking way too many drugs and I had an overdose of MDMA. That happened 3x in 8 months.. But i was enjoying myself so i kept taking drugs and enjoying it along with a crazy lifestyle that was bordering on criminal behaviour. I would never look for 11:11 it's like it was looking for me. I would go to work still on drugs from the night before and I thought I was having fun. But i kept on seeing 11:11 everywhere i went. It came to the point that when i saw 11:11 i would say F**K off already!!! I never paid attention to time,because i "lived" in a casino for about 8 years. But anytime i looked at the time it was inexplicably 11:11. On the highway i would see huge 11:11 sign on the way to see my son. Over and over and over. This kept on happening for a solid year. And then it stopped when i decided to clean up. Of course there is a paranoia associated with drug use. But seeing 11:11 all the time started to scare me and I eventually came to see it as a warning sign for me. Fu*k me I know. Ocasionally when i see the # nowadays it reminds me to never start again what i left behind....

    These arent paranormal per se . But perhaps some of you have had experiences that have stopped you dead in your tracks.

  • unique1

    Wow those were some good drugs.

    I had an experience once, creeped me out. I was walking through a shopping center parking lot and brushed this guys arm in passing. Suddenly I saw in my head that man molesting and kidnapping kids. It was in flashes kind of like the dead zone. I stopped and turned around to find him staring at me. I kept walking to my car trying to figure out what I should do. I wanted to call 911 and tell them about this guy but who would believe me? I had no proof just some weird flashes of evil. So I continued to my car wanting to get he he!! out of dodge. I get in my car, look up and the man is still watching me, like he KNEW I knew he was evil. I hightailed it out of there. I have never had such an experience before or again. I don't want to.

  • KW13

    We had a guy called Matt staying with us, he was a schizophrenic but a nice guy. Anyhow he came in mums room saying there was someone at the door (he had my room, it was early hours) but the moment he said mums name, in the lowest whisper this voice filled the house yelling her name and the thing that owned this voice was trying to get in through the front door. Mum refuses to talk about it mostly but honestly the scariest thing ever - turns out, Matt had been dreaming about Lucifar...he had a fight with this thing through the letter box, it was trying to grab his hands and they werent normal hands i saw.

    Another time, i was at a friends and we went into the loft which had previously been unopened since the last owner who i also knew was a 'white witch' or so she claimed - anyhow, we put the hatch door back on the loft. and as we started going downstairs we saw it slide backwards...we were so freaked by that. Anways the door kept shifting, it got to the point where it was half way open. We were sat downstairs when it literally made the loudest noise you'll here, if i remember correctly it'd flipped into the loft and landed somewhere up in there on its own. That house had a feel of evil to it, the loft scared me and although i was a kid it wouldnt normally bother me - the mum of the family actually saw a little girl upstairs once (ghost kinda thingy).

    When we slept there once, we heard the furniture in the Lounge shifting (we were downstairs in the dining room) and when we went in the next day there was nothing changed...

  • eclipse

    I've had that same experience too, Unique1.

    I have not thought about it until I read your post.\

    It scared the bejeebies out of me. I never reported it either, because who would believe it?

    FedorE, those are some potent drugs. Have you ever found out why 11:11 is so signifigant to you?

  • AlphaOmega

    Unique1 and Eclipse...

    I have had similar experiences. Sometimes they are specific and sometimes they are just feelings of general darkness that surround a person !

  • eclipse

    KW13 that is some scary shit

    AO, It's comfortingl to know that we're not alone in being able to detect that about people...(I'm not a freak!)

    I get feelings mostly, but the visions flashing in my brain, like unique1 described, were terrifying.

  • sweetstuff

    I had one really bizarre experience, can't believe I am going to type this but oh well. I was on a roadtrip with my kids to visit my parents, who live in another province, I was pretty tight for cash at the time and I was worried about the gas lasting long enough for me to get there and back without having to add any more.

    It's about a 6 hour drive. My car fills up at 55 dollars for a full tank. Normally it would take about a tank and a half to make the trip both ways. So, I kept looking at the gas tank and thinking, don't go down, don't go down, seriously, lol. I drove the last 200 km's of the trip with the gas gauge not moving. I thought, what the heck, it must be broken! I arrived at my parents with a half tank of gas, now, I cannot figure out for the life of me, how the hell I drove 200 km's and burned no gas, seems impossible. When my dad sweetly went to fill my car up the next day, it only took a half tank. Now how the heck can that be?

  • greendawn

    The only paranormal I occasionally experience is thinking about a certain person shortly before they call on the phone. Not a chance that this is a coincidence. More likely it is the telepathic process, when someone thinks of you with a certain intensity it gets transmitted to your brain and creates a thought about that person.

  • educ8self

    I hate to reply before reading everything, but I gotta get to work (on time today) so I'll just throw this bit in - reading all the posts is more for my own interest anyway..

    I wouldn't want to get into such things too much on a forum like this, what with the JW past that people has and such - if nothing else it could be confusing for people, or it could trigger something - like fear! I like that quote from Hamlet: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than dreamt of in thy philosophy" - that kind of sums it up.

    But why fear it? Although I don't want to get fired, so off to work I go, hi ho...

  • Satanus

    I had a premonition type dream once. It was a warning that i was going to get into trouble at a place that i was going to the next day. I was very careful there, the next day. I narrowly escaped 2 guys who targeted me. If i hadn't have had the dream in mind, i may not have escaped.


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