do not understand "slow" fade, "controlled" fade, why not just stop quickly

by oompa 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oompa, I actually faded fast compared to most. Read my biography for further on that.
    Some do manage to discover "the truth about the truth" and just stop going to the KH
    right away. Some drag it out over years.

    I personally disagree with slower fades, but I must remember that people are in
    different circumstances with different families and different bodies of elders.
    Some family would shun any other family member that just stops going to meetings.
    Some elders will go after anyone who might represent a danger to the congregation
    in their mind. To people who feel trapped in those circumstances, they think they
    need to make many meetings and taper off extremely slow. They think this will
    cause the family to see them "trying" or the BOE to see them as simply "weak."

    Nothing I say is really new. The bottom line is that some are scared of negative results
    of a progress in their fade, and they need encouragement to continue the progress.

    I quit going in service over a year ago. My cong. privliges just went away without me asking, and even stopped getting school assignments without asking! Then I started making just one meeting a week for my wife, then could only take 2 a month, and now am at one or less a month. I did not plan this, it just happened, but I think the elders actions were the same with me stopping service all at once, instead of trickling down. Am I missing something here?

    I stopped turning in service around 10 months ago, and I went to Zero meetings in less than
    6 months from there. In many ways, I faded faster than you. According to your thread, you
    should just walk away from the Hall and never return, RIGHT NOW. As a matter of fact, you
    are at least a year overdue. You probably have some valid reasons or fears for not just
    walking away a year ago. How can I say different?

    My BOE and your BOE don't do their job of really following up on the shepherding. Some BOE
    keep hounding the fader. Some people have spouses and adult children and entire families "in."
    Some have no family "in." It is hard to say what each person should do. Some are able to
    pretend things are okay, and others are not.

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