follow up to dating...(online or otherwise)..any suggestions?

by SnakesInTheTower 30 Replies latest members private

  • R.F.

    An anvil has to fall on my head to for me to read the signals.

    For instance, my ex-fiancee told me that she was very interested in me for a few years before we got together. She said she was sending signals purposely all over the place but I didn't see them. She said that she had given up after a while and just figured I had no interest in her romantically so she just dropped it. Later on she decided to come out and just tell me straight and everything just kept progressing with us after that.....until we broke up of course.

    So i'm one of these guys that would need a lady to tell me EXACTLY how they feel in order for me to realize it. Perhaps I need more than an anvil to hit me I guess.


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