How to get the programming out of my mind.

by Apostate.Jr 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss
  • tula

    About the door to door thing.... I think that is just to ask for rejection and persecution. (Ask any door-to door salesman) It reinforces the idea that you are being "persecuted" for your religion. Therefore, since Jesus said you would be persecuted, then you surely must be in the right religion...according to watchtower logic.

    I always thought the door to door thing was rude. Just expect people to drop what they are doing and accomodate you----that's inconsiderate.

    I think the best way to "witness" to people is in the way you treat them and in the example you make in your own life. I think that Jesus covered it all when he talked about love... and what love is and what love is not. I think we have to learn to love and I think we learn compassion from the hardships we go through in our own lives. I do not think love and compassion are innate. Jesus gave us many examples in how to treat others. You can be a testimony for the goodness and love of Jesus without ever opening your mouth to preach if your actions are kind, considerate, forgiving, thoughtful of others, and you respond by putting yourself in the other persons shoes and think about how you would need to be treated if it were you in that fellows situation.

    I think the way JW's are taught to "witness" is very arrogant and self-righteous. As well as rude and dogmatic. All rules and no feeling.

  • JosephMalik

    Jesus mentioned in the scripture that there would be ones that said, did we not prophecy in your name.... etc, but that he would not recognize them. Did this mean that there would be only one true religion? I cant get my head around the scripture. Also, when Jesus commanded the disciples to preach, was this meant to be in the door to door style of the witnesses, or something else.

    Apostate Jr.

    True followers vs false followers is a better way to put it. It is not religion but reality that is being addressed by our Lord. When our Lord returns and examines all his worshipers (individually as shown) to determine who to use in His Kingdom’s administration this is the way it will be done. So anyone now claiming to be a Faithful and Discreet slave is lying. Christ chooses but only in person and not invisibly or privately as the WT teaches. This is yet to be done at a future time during the resurrection of the dead. Those followers not chosen for this task, the ones that were not recognized will have to take their chances with the rest of the world. They will be counted as an evil slave and assigned with the drunkards or the rest of the world also being selected for salvation as sheep. Their future will be dependent upon what they were as human beings and not their supposed prophetic applications and works etc.

    As to the preaching work, there was no such thing as door to door preaching work such as the WT teaches. Paul went from one Christian house to another Christian house throughout Asia. Such homes served the faith by caring for men such as Paul, allowing him to conduct his ministry. Normal contact with people would be sufficient for us in preaching Christ to the world. And like minded people could assemble in such homes for further enlightenment. You heard of love feasts, (meals where they would assemble and fellowship). Well that was another way to spread the truth and knowledge as such times. Such development was incremental and natural not forced the way it is now.


  • OnTheWayOut

    This was in my google news alert mail-

    Edited to add: Well, the link isn't so great. Go there and it discusses the way to
    deprogram the meeting programming.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oh, and the link within the link ultimately leads to the sale of some item to help deprogram
    yourself. I don't endorse or even recommend it. I just thought you could be helped by the
    actual thoughts on that page above.

  • Musicman

    Hey there Apostate Jr.! I hope you find what you're searching for... the journey can be very revealing.

    About the house to house work, I've always kept one thing in mind - regardless of how it was done, the Apostles were informing their community about something and someone new. People hadn't heard about Jesus and his message, or they had only partially heard, so they were just getting the information out there. Today, the situation is different. I'm not sure where you are posting from, but in the US somewhere close to 90% of people claim to be Christian already. Also, a good number of people who aren't Christian already know what the belief system entails. So instead of taking new information to the masses, the house to house work of JWs ends up being a message of "your version of Christ is wrong and ours is right". Just from what I hear from my Witness family members, those who accept a bible study with Witnesses tend to be those who have fallen on hard times in life and are looking for a sense of community more than anything else.

    Regarding prophesy... well, the Watchtower Society seems to fit the role of those who were claiming to prophesy in Jesus's name although he never knew them rather than the role of the faithful and discreet slave. I can't think of one prophesy from the WT that has come true. They have claimed to be prophets, however, they also claim to be uninspired. An uninspired true prophet whose prophesies never come true? I don't think so.

    I look forward to seeing you on the forums


  • Apostate.Jr

    Thanks for everyones kind replies, i am feeling a lot better after reading this.

    As i mentioned, I would read the site, but then go to the meetings, and i guess it would trigger the guilt complex again, crazy.

    I also wanted to say, i have been reading your posts OTWO for the last few months, thanks for your work for us newbies

  • changeling


    Religion is a divisive force that came about to answer unanswerable questions. Once you wrap your brain around that you will be trully free.


  • Mum

    You have a lot to sort out at this point. But it's worth the time and effort to find out the truth and to find your own truth.

    Welcome to the forum!


  • Eliveleth

    Hi Apostate, Jr,

    Welcome! I am a Newbie here too. Although I have been out of the organization since 1983 (kicked out as an Apostate) I have been lurking here off and on for a long time. I have been posting for a short time.

    First I would like to say, The Watchtower is not the "truth". Jesus is. John 14:6 "Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." When the members of the Judicial Committee were interrogating us, they asked us the question, just as the apostles asked Jesus "Who will you go away to", we told them we were going to Jesus. They think that if you leave them you "will go into outer darkness". This could not be further from the truth.

    My husband and I have gone to other churches, but I do not believe it is necessary to be part of a religious organization to serve God. Some people do need fellowship and I know that it is helpful to attend a church fellowship if you feel the need.

    I always hated going from door to door and I felt pushed into doing it because my husband was an elder. I got physically ill each time I had to do it. Although I did feel that it was something that Jehovah wanted me to do so I did. I am so grateful that I found out that it is not necessary to do this. I believe that there are many more effective ways to preach. As a couple of people on here posted, living your life, showing kindness and caring is a far better way to show you are a Christian. Also the advice was also given, check out all the sites that talk about the organization. You can see for yourself. You do not have to accept everything that is written. Go slow, don't just jump. It is really important that you check out all your options. You are a unique person. God made you that way. You do not have to pattern your life after anyone else. Yes, I do believe God reads the heart and I do believe he has a true Church. It is the Church of Christ and it is found all over the world. You will find them in any church group that believes that Jesus is the only way to salvation. When i first got out of the org. God showed me that the scripture about the "wheat and the weeds" was about the Church. You will find wheat and weeds in any church fellowship, however, you do not have to decide who are the weeds or who are the wheat. This is the job of the angels. Read the account and you will understand. Matthew 13: 24-30. I am so glad that I do not have to determine who are the weeds as I did when I was a JW. It is really freeing to accept people for who they are and not to judge them..

    I will be praying for you that God will give you peace of mind to decide what you want to do.

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