New tactic in halls with sisters

by darth frosty 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    I don't think that's all that new.

    I feel the same. I have always been where there was a shortage of "brothers."
    I was tagged as a student, but ignored the tag from the slightly older "sisters."

    Many male students or teens get this. The problem for "sisters" tagging a young
    brother is that they are competing with the "sisters" who are the same age as the guy.

    It is difficult for an 18 year-old to push off a hot 25 year-old, unless there's a hot 17 or 18 year-old
    sister right there. For adult male students approaching baptism, the story is similar but
    harder for the "sister" because the guy already has "worldly" experience and knows that
    he is a commodity. He gets to choose.

    I remember one guy started studying and his wife left him and divorced him and left him with
    their 3 children. He was a great-looking guy- late 20's. All these 17 to 20 year-old sisters were
    trying to meet him and it just got to be quite a scene after his actual baptism. He knew he was in
    control and told the ladies that he needed someone to be step-mother to the kids. I don't think
    too many backed away because of that. He eventually picked one and married her. It seemed
    to work out.

    I wasn't as great-looking as him. My wife is a good few years younger than me, and she was hot
    then, and is hot now. Much hotter than a guy like me really should have been able to land.
    Oh, but I fell in love with her personality long before I married her. It's just too bad I was also
    looking for such a dedicated JW, because she is that also.

  • TheSilence
    Marital rape is allowed with no consequences.


    I believe they called it "submitting to your husband's headship" or some such nonsense. I can remember sitting in the meeting when I was 8 and they were talking about headship. I didn't know there was any other way out there and I just thought I could never get married because I could never be that kind of a girl ;) Jackie

  • OnTheWayOut
    Marital rape is allowed with no consequences.


    An elder body would be VERY VERY reluctant to get involved if the
    "sister" said that her JW husband forced himself on her. They would
    call it the marital due and make her feel bad for withholding it. They
    would probably offer to study with the two of them, but that would
    fizzle after a short time into nothing.

    Elders really aren't trained to help people, just to perpetuate the
    male-dominated system and to protect the organization. They would
    view something like this as "bad for the organization" if it went to the
    police or the divorce court. They would try to get something judicial
    on a "sister" who took this to court.

  • FlipThis


  • TheSilence
    marital due

    I knew there was another JW catch phrase... I couldn't think of it.


  • BrentR

    There are plenty of threads here on JWD about women who had to deal with years of forced non-consensual sex from thier husbands. Don't take my word for it, ask them.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I know of a 30 year old 'sister' with two kids who married a 19 year old 'brother' with no job or education. And a guy close to 50 who is now dating his daughter's friend of 19.

    As far as the marital rape, I also know a girl who put up with that for years. I've lost touch with her, so I don't know what ever happened with their marriage, but she was pretty much told that it wasn't as bad as she was making it out to be and showed scriptures about her body belonging to her husband, and vice versa....


  • BrentR

    Can you just see that philosophy being combined with the typical maturity of a 19 yr old?

  • moshe

    How much was the dowry? what dopes- at 18-19, a guy can sure be manipulated by an agressive woman.

  • Frank75

    I don't know, maybe it's just the demographics of your area.

    It's slim pickings in dub land.


    Are there more gals in ND with a rack like yours? If so i would suspect a line would be forming from GB!!

    I think that if the Society advocated implants as an alternative place to spend college tuition money, it could solve a couple of problems inside Dubdom!


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