Please share a quote that you enjoy...

by nvrgnbk 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockhound

    "God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time."

    - Robin Williams, commenting on the Clinton/Lewinsky affair

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    "John Doe??? My God!!! He's like the eight wonder of the world!!!"--smart people everywhere

  • RAF

    «Il faut vider son esprit, être informe, sans contours - comme de l’eau.»

    "it's necessary to clean our mind/spirit, being formless, without contours - like water" - (for full potential)

  • d

    I like this quote from Aldous Huxley which goes "You will know the truth and the truth will get make you mad". Is that not the truth, once I learned the truth about the Jw's my blood was boiling. But now that I know the real truth I am content.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    "Don't believe everything you think." --unknown

  • clarity

    Even the rich are hungry for Love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own. Mother Teresa


  • chickpea

    Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter most..... MLK, Jr.

  • truthseekeriam

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

  • MrFreeze

    "It comes down to a simple choice really. Get busy living... or get busy dying." - Andy (Tim Robbins), Shawshank Redemption

  • TheSilence

    You cannot find peace by avoiding life. ~ Virginia Woolf in The Hours

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