Witnesses are getting so disconnected from the Doctrine, but won't let go!

by OnTheWayOut 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    So I am not going to meetings, but am a fader. The wife and I get invited to a wedding
    by friends from years back. I hate that, because, of course she insisted on going. We went.
    None of these folks know that I am fading, the vast majority believe I am an elder in the
    foreign language congregation I moved to years ago. These are all dear friends that I didn't
    really stay tight with.

    So the general conversations at the Hall and the Reception showed me their current thinking.
    Virtually 2/3rds of the young ones are planning or already going to college. Many adults are
    going back to school. Nobody is talking about pioneering, even if they are pioneering. Everyone
    is about status and occupation.

    Except for the fact that they won't let go of their JW beliefs, they are really no different than
    anyone else. Some of the folks do not shun their own adult children because they feel deep down
    that it is wrong, plus they want to see their grandkids. People go out of their JW thinking to
    justify association with family that never got baptized. Don't get me wrong, people- these are
    good things.

    A couple that left for Bethel years ago are visiting for the wedding. They left Bethel right before they
    would have been laid-off, so the husband could get a good job that was offered. Neither of them
    pioneers anymore. It's like they are bitter at WTS, but still go to their meetings.

    I was indoctrinated much deeper than all my old friends. I think that helped me to see flaws and
    break free, but all these folks are so "weak" in the religion that little things could easily push them out.

    Conclusion: WTS is doomed. I know the vast majority will not up and leave, but they certainly can't have
    many generations to come of growth. The college issue and the freedom of information on the internet
    will keep damaging the cult. I thoroughly enjoyed how nobody asked me any spiritual questions- every
    conversation was about secular things- OH, and did the JW's ever throw down on the dance floor!!!
    Old folks didn't even act surprised, shocked, or upset. Some older "sisters" even wore pantsuits.

  • journey-on


    I've noticed this, too. I got a phone call last month from a JW relative that I haven't heard from in ages. We talked for over an hour and she never once mentioned anything spiritually related. She talked about going back to school, what extra curricular activities her daughter is involved in, the new business her husband has started, and any number of non-JW topics. She suggested we all get together for a family gathering and when we hung up, I was elated.

    I, too, think they are just going through the motions because it's something they've always done, but they don't seem to be taking it as seriously as they used to. This is a good thing. I think the next generation will just fade on out and this CULT will dwindle down to almost nothing within the next two decades. Just my wishful thinking maybe.

  • BlackPearl


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sounds like it was actually a pretty pleasant reunion. Good for you.

    I think you are correct. Though the KH at our little town is full of cars in the parking lot today, I wonder how many are really 'deep and committed' Jw's any longer. The mainstream churches had to move from boring, lecture halls, to music and activity oriented worship to keep the followers coming in and staying. [At least many of them have]. In the staid lifestyle of Jw's there is no room for that, so the only option is decline with time. At least that seems plausible. I can't imagine the GB ever allowing free expression type services, and attention holding sermons. So it seems like the social evolution of the religion would be decline over time.

    Of course if someone drops a nuclear bomb in the middle east - the damn KH's will overflow again. And there will be tons of 192 page books to publish, bringing the Bethel workers back to do so. But if nothing of the nature occurs for a while, the Jw's are likely to turn a bit more social, at least when not in the cell Kingdom Hall.


    Conclusion: WTS is doomed. I know the vast majority will not up and leave, but they certainly can't have
    many generations to come of growth.

    Totally agree...It's pretty much the same around here. None of my JW relatives ever talk about anything "spiritual." There really isn't anything to talk about except the new rules of the WTS. I think everyone is getting fed up and tired of the same old hype.


  • PoppyR

    I see this too, looking around the congs before I left to people of my own age (30s, 40s) I see that few pioneer, most have now got good jobs and mortgages, many are very irregular at meetings and even my own mother said to my son the other day about the importance of education if he wanted a good job!!! With me it was always education was irrelevant because Armageddon would come before I left school!

    I think the next generation (ie their children) will be raised without regular family brainwashing (Oops, I mean studies) and with more worldly influences, lets hope it just keeps getting weaker.


  • Sunspot

    I must say that I enjoy these experiences that are living proof that the WTS candle is flickering and not offering much light whatsoever. The old ones are tired of waiting for something that was "on the thresh hold" 3 to 4 decades ago, and the younger ones have the availabilty of the forbidden internet to guide them to the truth about this cult.

    It was good to see that the majority of those you spoke with are all of the same opinion, and their interests are NOT solely consumed by "WTS pursuits" as they once were.



  • Awakened07

    From what I remember from when I was active, people get 'riled up' by the meetings and conventions, as in they are reminded of all the things they're supposed to believe. But once they come home, they kinda shed these ideas the instant they shed those dressed up clothes and get into their favorite jeans and T-shirt. It seems they know what the WBTS demands of them, but that they kind of look at it like the Mosaic law; too rigid and hard to follow 100% - to do so would mean you'd be perfect. And so people generally are pretty relaxed about the more 'ridiculous' teachings. Except the new members, which are often over zealous. But those who have been in for a long time or are born on the inside, have a much more relaxed attitude, I think. Of course, not when it comes to core doctrines, but when it comes to the more obscure things.

    Many are 'waiting on Jehovah' to fix things, since his earthly organization is run by imperfect men.

  • flipper

    Man, I hope you are right On the Way, I just wish my daughters would stop bringing up witness stuff whenever I see them. Drives me nuts! Can't see them for two minutes without, " Dad, it's the time of the end! Dad, are you going back to meetings? " They know I won't, but they keep asking. My 80 year old mom however has been respectful, she just talks about normal family things, no witnessing involved. So we will see in the next 20 to 30 years, it will be interesting to see what the witnesses say about things then, when we are all still workin' at jobs in "this old system of things "

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sounds like it was actually a pretty pleasant reunion. Good for you.

    I was dreading it, but actually enjoyed it. One person asked if I was ever going
    to visit the old congregation to give a talk, and I said "NO' then that same person
    simply changed to something more interesting to talk about- without asking for
    an explanation.

    The bride was our friend. She was not a very young bride because she spent years
    deciding to stay single and pioneer and serve the WTS. Around 5 years ago, she
    abandoned that attitude and got some schooling and a full-time job. Now it looks like
    she wants to do the family thing before her biological clock expires. The groom was
    even considered "spiritually weak" less than 5 years ago. There was a time when she
    would only consider marriage if the guy was a pioneer and the both of them would set
    a goal to become missionaries or move to a foreign language assignment in the USA.
    Now, she is just trying to seek her own happiness. YEA!

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