by Terry 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Kindness and understanding is greatly lacking and I don't know how people can obtain this consciousness on a mass scale without plugging a wet tap into someones brain and downloading it.

    From what I can observe, obtaining this consciousness usually happens on an individual basis, with a combination of education and willingness to look at the world and our fellow humans in a different way. Unfortunately, a collective consciousness of violence is plugged into and downloading at phenomenol speed, through mass media, which by sheer volume threatens to overtake the masses and drown out the little voices of sanity that strain to be heard. (which is why I despair, just a little, as I said earlier.)

    Through the great wars of our century, the common suffering of folks seemed to emit a collective consciousness that enabled governments to take in refugees, and help rebuild those devastated countries with the Marshall plan. The problem is, the public has a very short memory and the dynamics of our modern world continue to change. One language everyone understands for the most part is love. Words and knowledge are pure emptiness without a feeling of being connected to the rest of humanity.

    I guess we have to get comfortable with paradoxes. In one sense, I can see a societal evolution of sorts towards greater social consciousness in our century. However, I can also see that extremism is alive and well (on both sides of the world) and often threatens to annihilate us all. Which will win out in the end? I watched a documentary on China recently where young Chinese university students were interviewed. They were unaware of the events of Tianemen square, less than 20 years ago. It has been effectively erased from the Chinese history books and replaced with the newest, government approved, collective consciousness (consumerism). Revisionist history at its finest. The WTBTS has no monopoly on this tactic.


    ps: I have to stop solving the problem of world peace and go make dinner now!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Maybe I should needlepoint a copy of the Desiderata for Terry?

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Understood Cog. I myself managed to get three loads of landry done but still have plenty of work here. I will continue my work and if I any energy left afterwards go to my music thread as I promised. It was greating talking to you. Pm me any time. Good to see again to Coco. I always treasure your heartfelt comments and insights.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    LOL! Terry's a good sport. ........ Till next time.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Hey Cicatrix

    I first had an intellectual awakening in nursing school. They taught me how to think critically, scientifically, and examine empirical evidence. The first thing I examined was the society's blood policy. It was just a house of cards collapsing after that! I never finished because I injured my back and became ill. Still have the student loan though! I don't regret a minute of it though, because it was the start of waking up and what led me to eventually leave the JW's.

    It is a great career and can take you anywhere you want to go. You will never want for a job. I would encourage you to pursue your Art as well. Make room for both in your life. It doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both/and. Balance man! Hmm. I think someone wise just said that a few posts ago!


  • 5go
    Aimless hobbies that run out the clock

    What is wrong with having a aimless hobby.

  • alias

    Tyrone van leyen,

    Not flirting here either, but what you wrote in your first post resonated deeply and echoed many things swirling around in my own mind. Thank you for not erasing your posts and fading into oblivion.

    My answer to the OP is no. Ever since exiting the KH I've found life to be a huge banquet of "well-oiled dishes" and I intend to explore anything and everything that brings me joy. I even bought an egg of Silly Putty.


  • Tigerman

    Huh ?

  • Terry
    We probably got Terry worried. Its ok Terry, we will not trade our primal thoughts, for your pearls of wisdom.

    I never flirt. Never have. It has something to do with my mom dragging me to the local bars when I was 4 or 5 (and no babysitter around). Watching her flirt and the men flirt back turned me off forever. Where is Dr.Freud when you need him?

    I just got back from the most amazing one man concert! Maybe the best live performance I've witnessed in my whole life. Wow.

  • Quentin

    Didn't used to be that way....was a time I could hold my own on just about any I have the intellect of a dust bunny...last several years, or so, any stimulating conversation has been with myself...except on the rare occassion I get togather with Terry...what I liked about the two aposta fests I attended, lots of good conversation...

    People I spend most time with, nowdays, are good people who can tell you all about Paris Hilton, while knowing nothing about the city of Paris other than it's in France, and oh, there may be a Paris, Texas as gotta work and feed the intellect, you don't, it goes south on ya...

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