uh oh

by thebiggestlie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • thebiggestlie

    hey now i still want to remain dignified with this. I dont want to stoop down to there level and further prove to them that apostates are from the debbil. but regardless id love to curse them all to hell :D or at least let them have a piece of my mind and feel the pain that i feel as a result of the org.

  • thebiggestlie

    what really gets me is that i was caught for this lol...oh my goodness id love to see the look on the elders faces if i "confessed" to all of my sins....

  • Hortensia

    the correct response is "what's it to ya, bitch?"

  • IP_SEC
    I dont want to stoop down to there level and further prove to them that apostates are from the debbil.

    Hey bud.

    They think what they think anyway. Ya, if you "stoop" they might nod their head and say "yep, told you so... stinking apostates" But you arent 'further proving' anything to them.

    Im glad you atleast seem to have a plan and dont plan to live the lie forever.

    Be to thine ownself true and whatever and whatnot.


  • OnTheWayOut
    the correct response is "what's it to ya, bitch?"

    Well, it's too late for that. If Dad muttered something about the 2-witness rule,
    then they would only confront you if they expect you to confess. Since that isn't
    the way you want to go, DENY DENY DENY.

    "Oh, yeah- she was so strange. She made me dump out my bag looking for
    a cigarette. I think the whole thing was because I was standing where some of
    the guys smoke and there were butts on the ground. The whole thing was bizarre."

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Unless you want to come clean and face their nonsense, just deny as others have said. If you do deny, you will have to watch that your parents don't find cigarettes or other things in your stuff. They set the 2 witness rule, use it.

    On the other hand, you need to start setting in motion the means to take care of yourself. You say you have a job. Are you still in school? Do you have friends on the outside that you could room with, if necessary? Sooner or later, you are going to get caught, so you need to start planning now.

  • JWdaughter

    If the elders come to you, don't deny or admit anything. They aren't the law, you aren't under any obligation. "Were you smoking??

    "Why do you ask?" . . .

    "We were told that . . ."

    "Who told you THAT?" . . .Oh, well I am surprised that you would drag me in here on the accusation of one Woman" (appealing to they chauvinism and misogyny, if possible). She told me herself that she thought I had a pen, then asked if it was a cig. . .I didn't have any cigs in my 'man bag' , so obviously, she doesn't know what she saw. I am surprised that she accused me when she obviously didn't see anything with any clarity."

    As you start to leave, you might throw out "I hope she studies the scriptures a little more carefully than she spies on people". . .

    And walk out

  • thebiggestlie

    perhaps i should man-up (not to use anymore stereotypicaly masculine phrases) and admit to what ive done as well as my disbeluef in the org. I know how bad that sort of scenerio could play out. Keep in mind though that the elder that would be confronting me is the accusers father which makes the situation a little worse in mh opinion brcasue i fear a level of favoritism. Oh snd to answer some of your questions, i am baptised, i just graduated from high school and currently am working at panera bread but just got an offer for a decent paying job at a catalog call center. I have many friendson the outside who i am very close to and if push turns to shove they would be willing to room with me. Currently i have a friemd who is looking for a roommate after getting kicked out of his own household for similar reasons (his family is u;tra ultra conservative southern baptist and when they found his pipe he got the boot) but i hope i dont give the wrong impression to you all. After abandonning the ideology of the witnesses i havnt complete;y went all out indulging in every JW no-no, sin and vice but i have experimented a little.

  • crankytoe

    if you have the opportunity, go to college, a degree or two will increase your chances of financial success,

  • OnTheWayOut
    perhaps i should man-up (not to use anymore stereotypicaly masculine phrases) and admit to what ive done as well as my disbeluef in the org.

    While many of us suggested denial, that was because we are not you, and don't know
    what you are ready to face. If you are prepared for this, and want to walk away from
    the WTS, that is the greatest freedom. It has a price, but you can be yourself.

    College isn't for everyone, but don't close your mind to it. Work might be necessary
    now, but maybe in your future you could consider part-time education and have some
    real future prospects in mind.

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