What are you reading?

by Hortensia 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    Renee - The E-myth Revisited is an excellent book - it has helped me tremendously in my business. I learned a lot from that little book!

  • jaguarbass

    Shadow Prey, by John Sanford.

  • smellsgood

    I really can only read what's laying around the house right now, my library card is useless cause I'm horrible at returning books and I have too many fines. Plus books is too 'spensive for me right now.

    So, I've read at least a dozen Nancy Drew Mysteries. Hypers!

    I got so excited when I saw the trailer for 'Prince Caspian' I reread that book and 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.' I love the Chronicles of Narnia.

    I'll give it another plug, "Son of the Revolution" by Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro. True story of Liang Heng and his family growing up during the Revolution (Down with the reactionary Capitalist Roaders!) under Mao Ze Dong. Should be required reading for every spoiled American child who doesn't have a point of reference on how lucky they are to be born here, or any free country.

    Otherwise, I've read some Lemony Snicket books. So, all in all some very heavy duty intellectual fodder.

  • Prins Vaillant
    Prins Vaillant

    I have read: Next of kin, What Chimpanzees have tought me about who we are. (Roger Fouts) Read this and see that we - humans - aren't the only ones who use language. Another Watchtower-myth! Prince Vaillant

  • DJK

    "Writing down the bones-freeing the writer within" by Natalie Goldberg

    While on Cape Cod this past week, I met self published author K Spirito. Had a long and wonderful conversation with her about writing. I purchased an autographed copy of her newest book "Spiderling".

  • erandir

    I threw away all my Tolkien books because I was being a good li'l dub at the time. I regret that. I had a nice collection...even a high quality edition of the LOTR. I'd be reading one of those for the 8th or 9th time by now.

    Thankfully I still have my Chronicles of Narnia set.

    I'd like to start reading the Harry Potter series. So far, I've only seen the movies minus the most recent 2.

    I just finished reading the Popol Vuh, or at least the translation that I bought during our recent trip to the Yucatan.

    I'm reading the latest Discover magazine, and the wife is reading Vol. 1 of the collected mysteries of Sherlock Holmes.

    Soon however, I'll be reading my Psychology textbook.

    Happy reading,


    PS--I have to say it again, smellsgood, but you have one fine avatar there.

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I'm reading The Partner by John Grisham.

    I know it's not very literary but I find his books very entertaining - I love courtroom dramas and political ones too.

    I also love cars and subscibe to F1 magazine (Formula 1) and Evo too. I read them both from cover to cover before handing them on to my son.

    Sounds sad but Evo seriously is the best written car magazine in the world bar none and the photos are staggering. If you love driving you'll love Evo.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Buy That's My Boy

    " A poignant, practical, light-hearted and celebratory look at raising boys with a strong and controversial message, asking that parents and the education system take responsibility for the 'feminisation' of boys, in much the same way as attention was paid to the 'masculinisation' of girls. Media and government attention is now being focussed on the fact that girls are outperforming boys academically but no mention is made of what kind of husbands and fathers they will make. With many families stretched to breaking point on the rack of mismatched expectations, boys need guidance on juggling work and family in the same way as girls are expected to; becoming domesticated as well as surviving in the jungle of accepted notions of 'masculinity'.

    The vital message is that boys, like girls, should have choices and should not be forced into the stereotypical role of the male as absent father or football fan. That's My Boy! covers boys' lives from birth to 18 and discusses everything from how a mother deals with the shock of caring for and maintaining a member of the opposite sex, how to endure hours spent on a rugby touchline, how to read the signs that indicate a longing for physical affection and whether or not to laugh at sexist jokes they bring home."

  • monophonic

    hortensia, why did you give up on literature?

    it's seriously the only thing that has kept me sane for the last 15 years....but i know there's a lot of literary crap out there, i read a lot of it for writing assignments, so when i find a gem in the mediocrity, i totally freak out.

    what lit fiction were you into and why did you become turned off?

    just curious...i enjoy genre fiction, non-fiction, etc. an author once told me there's more truth in fiction than their is in biographies.

  • Tara

    Right now I am reading Shattering the Sacred Myths. Evolutionary Metaphysics. It's very interesting and I recommend it.

    This month I have read Jehovah Unmasked by Nathaniel J. Merritt. It was awesome and I would love to discus it with someone, but don't know anyone else who has read it.

    I have also just finished Angels and Women by J. G. Smith. It was eh, ok.

    I am reading a few pages each night before bed of the newest Harry Potter book. I love them.

    I just got a parallel bible, and am trying to read a few pages of that every day, comparing the different translations

    In my car I have The Mist-Filled Path by Frank Mac Eowen. I am always early to a fault everywhere, so I read in my car a lot. LOL.

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