Past few days have been very emotional for me ,when will it get better ?

by troubled mind 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Since my mom passed in January my Dad has wanted me to go through her things and clear out her bedroom. I procrastinated long enough so the past two days I have been sorting through it all . I feel like I have been punched in the gut . Going through her personal items and giving or throwing her stuff away feels like I'm throwing her life away .

    Especially hard is going through all the memorbilia she has held onto all these years .Boxes filled with assembly programs her assembly notes. She had beautiful hand writing, and she took prolific notes at assemblies .

    I found letters she had written and forgot to send . Pictures of the past when she was in better health . Tons of scrap books she compiled of decorating ideas and floor plans for houses she would never have .

    It makes me sad to know there was so much more she wanted out of life ,but never knew how to attain it . In her personal life she felt bullied by my father and his family .After her stroke she felt like my dad and sister treated her like a child .

    When she was healthy and active as a witness it gave her a sense of impowerment away from my Dad even though the witness life had it's own kind of control over her . Once she could no longer drive and the witnesses slowly stopped coming by she felt trapped in her own home.

    In the back of one of her books she wrote little facts about her life growing up the first boy she ever kissed .....stuff she never told me about and now it's too late to ask her about .

    It just has seemed to opened up the grief all over again . I have cried more now than I did when she died .

    It has made me so sad...........

  • nicolaou

    (((((((((((((troubled mind)))))))))))))

    Especially hard is going through all the memorbilia she has held onto all these years .Boxes filled with assembly programs her assembly notes. She had beautiful hand writing, and she took prolific notes at assemblies .

    I found that so touching, perhaps because your Mum sounds a lot like mine.

  • RebelWife
  • unique1

    Cleaning out things is the toughest part. It is worse than the viewing and funeral wrapped up together. It will take a few weeks after you have finished for everything to get back to some normalcy. I feel for you. Hang in there and just get it done as quick as possible so you can heal.

  • Mum

    You're having some of the same feelings I had when I cleaned my grandmother's room after her death. I found a lock of baby hair in a tiny sock in memory of her baby who died.

    Yes, it's hard. We're here for you.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((troubled mind)))

    It's not an easy task, I've been there - found all sorts of bits and pieces - my mum had collected newspaper clippings of every family event, some we'd forgotten about. we even found an unopened, very sticky toffee at the bottom of her handbag - that was one of the finds which made us smile - mum was renowned for always having toffees to give out at any family gatherings! I hope you also may have found some things which made you smile at the memory to offset the sadness a little.

    Take your time and cry all you need to, it might not seem like it now but it's a vital part of your grieving, letting go and healing.

  • Stealth453

    Wow, I feel your pain. It must be very painfull to do what you are doing. Please be strong.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Thanks Unique1 ..I wish I had not put it off for so long .

    I still have a bookcase to go through .Then there are things stored all over the house that I don't know when I'll have time to get through. She did geneology(sp?) research for our family line. There is so much paper work I don' t know what to do with . Hopefully someone in the family will want it. She put alot of hours into it .

  • minimus

    My mom's 81 and generally not in good health. I would be the one going thru things when she passes. It's depressing thinking of that. I feel for you.

  • flipper

    Troubled Mind- Mr. & Mrs. Flipper send our warmest hopes and thoughts to you in this difficult time. My mom and dad 80 and 82 are getting to that point, Mom's having back surgery in September. My dad also did a genealogy study of his side of the family, it was fascinating learning about 200 years ago till now on his side. I know it's hard going through your mom's stuff, bringing back so many memories.

    This is just a thought, let yourself feel your pain, have a good cry if you need to, it does heal us by emoting. And if you have a fleshly brother or sister or relative that would look into your mom's genealogy with you perhaps that might be a way of closure with your mom's past and seeing how it linked to you in your present . Might make you feel closer to her and help in the healing process. Like I said, it's just a thought. May you have peace in your heart my friend

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