Past few days have been very emotional for me ,when will it get better ?

by troubled mind 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    thank you all for the support. It helps to read your replies

  • LoverOfTruth

    I believe your mother wanted here children to know her true heart and spirit by leaving these things behind. She wouldn't want you to be sad. There is no loss like a mother; it seems you lose a piece of yourself.

  • BFD

    I can't imagine the pain. When my dad died in 2001 it fell upon my sisters to go through his stuff. They sent me a package with some of his jewelry, his hat, and some other treasures. I found a new respect for my dad after he died. I never knew he cherished some of the things he did.

    Hugs to you troubled mind. The pain lessens for me but so far it hasn't gone away. Life is for the living.


  • LoverOfTruth
    Past few days have been very emotional for me ,when will it get better ?

    You can't get Over Grief, Around it or Under It. YOU CAN And You Will Get Through It. When my mother died in 1999, I literally Wailed in the ladies room at the hospital. Everyone must have thought I was totally nuts but My mom was only 66 years old!! It just wasn't fair! I wanted to Cut my Heart Out!

    I promise, it will get better with time. I keep my mom's picture taped to my Monitor. I talk with her when I'm having difficult times. For example, last July when my little Old pug dog Rosie Louise was dying, I believe my mom was with me.

    The night before Rosie died, I was going though my photos looking for Rosie's pictures, bawling my heart out. Then I came across a Birthday card from my Mother. (I don't keep Birthday Cards mixed in with Pictures) Right away I thanked my Mom for being with me at this tough time. My birthday was only two days away.

  • Blueblades

    troubled mind... Know that your feelings are normal. Each of us go through the loss of our loved ones as you have, it is a very trying time. Our emotions go up and down, happy and sad, laughing and crying, both at the same time. We never forget our moms and from time to time we well up again and then it sudsides for awhile. I'm very sorry that you are going through this at this time.You ask, "When will it get better?" Only you yourself will know that as the time passes. This too will pass, memories of your mom will remain.


  • Sassy

    I hope you are doing ok troubled..... you are in my thoughts..

  • codeblue

    I am so sorry

    I lost my Mom to cancer when I was 14. I was the youngest. I am not sure who went thru her things.

    I do know this, it takes a while to grieve. So what you are feeling is normal.

    I am 50 now and still cry at times because I didn't have her very long in my life, I didn't get to do things with a Mom that many others got to experience.

    Hang in there


  • evita

    troubled mind I experienced similar feelings when my JW mom died 2+ years ago. I went through her things and cried like a little girl. Lots of photographs, assembly notes, and songs that she had written, one about me. It was devastating; I was heartbroken for months and thought I would never feel better. Eventually I put her things neatly away for another time. Now, almost 3 years later, I can think about her without breaking down. The tears still come unexpectedly, but time definitely heals. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Thank you everyone for the support .

    .I really don't have anyone else to share these feelings with ,and you have all been so helpful .

    It is nice to know I can look back at this post anytime I start feeling blue and it helps .

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