by Terry 92 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JCanon

    BEFORE God began creating.......he wasn't a CREATOR.

    BEFORE God began creating.....there was nothing......and therefore nothing TO KNOW.

    BEFORE God began creating...there was nothing and nothing to know....and therefore nothing to LOVE.

    BEFORE God began creating...He was alone with nothing to distinguish him from nothingness except--what? His mind? Filled with what, actually?

    God wasn't anyplace. God wasn't doing anything with anybody. Eternity of nothing was God's claim to fame.

    God could not be ALL-KNOWING (there was nothing to know).

    God could not be ALL-POWERFUL (nothing over which to exert power).

    God could not be JUST (no wrongs to right).

    God could not be WISE (no knowledge about things as yet created).


    In what sense could GOD actually EXIST? To exist you must BE something rather than nothing. How was God distinguishable from nothing?

    God would have no attributes, identity or context.

    A God of Love with nothing to love? A God of wisdom with nothing to actually know?

    Consequently, only in the mind of MAN can God find context and omniscience, power, etc.


    ROFL! You know it is said that man creates God in his own image. Well, what if a person doesn't have much imagination? ROFL!!! I just find it amusing how somone imposes their own sense of boredom onto someone known to be the most creative of forces. My sense is that God is so powerful, he exists in other realms that don't necessarily have a concept of time. Time began when Christ was created. Creations cannot conceive of something with no beginning, something that always was. It's beyond our comprehension. At the same time, eternity is what we need to define God's greatness and incomprehensibility. JC

  • Awakened07

    Science only deals with the physical, natural explanations. The supernatural may exist without science being able to measure or otherwise prove it. But the more science does it's work, the less places in this universe are left for a supernatural God to "hide". A few thousand years ago, God was everywhere. He was in a tornado, he was in lightening, he was in a tsunami, he was in the sun, he was in the stars, he was in a flower, a bird. It's strange how God has left so few physical clues that can't be explained. But on a more philosophical note; perhaps science is in fact describing his work without knowing it, kinda like the story of the blind men holding one part of an elephant in their hand each, and trying to describe what it is: "The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe." They were all describing an elephant, to the best of their ability.

    But science can't hold up the supernatural as authority and then do scientific research based on that prerequisite. Then we'd be back to the days God was directly responsible for bad weather, and we wouldn't advance in knowledge of the physical world at all.

    It would be nice then, if we could turn to spirituality to get an answer about God. But there are thousands of religions and thousands of sects, and outside of those there are millions of people with their own very personal brand of beliefs, often a mishmash or various religions. No consensus on what and how God is. So it seems God, if he exists, hasn't made things easy for us. I suggest that if you're to really learn everything you'd need to know about each and every religious belief system, enough to make an informed decision, the 80 or so years you have on earth wouldn't be enough. And still, there are people basing their whole existence on each and every one of these religions. They really believe in them. So that means you really should take all of them seriously in your endeavor to find the right one.

  • journey-on
    And still, there are people basing their whole existence on each and every one of these religions. They really believe in them. So that means you really should take all of them seriously in your endeavor to find the right one.

    Maybe, we have to take God OUT of religion (or religion out of God). People that can't believe in God tend to cling to the religious way of looking at Him. Take the concept of an Intelligent Creative Force out of man's attempt to explain Him (religion) and you will get closer to the answers.

    EDITED TO ADD: This is part of our spiritual evolution. We'll get there. (If we don't blow ourselves up first.)

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Nice one Terry, liked it

    The concept is ridicules is it not ! Perhaps thousands of years ago maybe but not today !

  • Cindi_67

    I agree with what another friend said here. Before starting to create there was no time. Time is the measure we use to explain our existence, but just like the Bible says, for God one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day, I understand then that, where he lives there is no time, he gave that analogy for us to understand his eternity.

    The famous physic Stephen Hawkins says that if a human could survive going through a Black Hole, he would be able to see time flying in front of his eyes, what would be one second for him would be thousands of years on earth, he would be able to see everything happening on earth like fast-forwarding a movie. Sounds creepy, doesn't it? He says there is not time inside a black hole. Too much information to grasp for us humans, and for us that are not geniuses, like me. My head starts to hurt if I put too much thought into these things.

  • Twitch

    Hey Cindi

    How's it going? Been awhile, hope all is well.

    I read "A Brief History of Time" a long time ago. Good book, wouldn't mind rereading it actually.

    Take care.

  • eclipse
    The famous physic Stephen Hawkins says that if a human could survive going through a Black Hole, he would be able to see time flying in front of his eyes, what would be one second for him would be thousands of years on earth, he would be able to see everything happening on earth like fast-forwarding a movie.

    Very interesting concept!

    But I ask, how does he know?

  • Pubsinger

    So are we saying that the existence of an ETERNAL BEING is impossible?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    If the ETERNAL BEING hadn't (yet) created that doesn't mean he wouldn't/couldn't exist

    Thanks Pubsinger - you just saved me having to prepare a lengthy reply! That's exactly what I've been trying to say - you don't have to DO in order to BE.

    Terry - the Fallacy of Argument From Ignorance (or at least Personal Incredulity) could equally be applied to yourself - based on the claim that the premise (eternal being) hasn't been proved true therefore it must be false.

    Surely the real answer is, we just don't know - yet! I'm not prepared to TELL anyone that what I believe is TRUE - I believe based on my own experiences that it is true, you can feel free to believe what you like. Of course I'd dearly love you to believe as I do, but I wouldn't force you to or hammer you with it!

    What is unwise imho is to write off another person's 'truth' just because there may appear to be a lack of current evidence. Who's being more open minded - thee or me?

    I wonder how many ideas for great inventions were initially greeted with the words "It'll never work!", "It's impossible"?

    "This is my truth; now tell me yours". Nye Bevan

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Amen, Brother Terry, excellent comment! Let's go on to paragraph two

    This could be what was lurking under my brain that made me lose any belief in the Christian God of the Bible. I wondered why, once I began losing faith in Jehovah, it sort of snowballed into outright lack of faith in anything connected with that god. THIS is why it happened and why I am now a happy, new, born-again pagan I saw that on a bumper sticker in a witch shop I frequent: born-again pagan. I thought it was so cute


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