Americans dont understand the Queens english

by barry 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Wot tha seyin baht us northenurs Agent Smith?!

  • Stephanus

    There are many more examples, which I cannot think of right away.

    Fair dinkum??

  • barry

    BDF, We all who speak english consider the Queens english [ the english of queen Elizabeth] the correct and proper way to speak both in pronunciation and grammer and spelling of which i am not proficient.

  • brinjen
    Oops, made a spelling error. Anyone got a rubber I can borrow
    hahahah now that I do understand.

    For the benefit of those who don't get it, rubber is Oz slang for pencil eraser.

  • BFD

    Thanks, Barry. I niether can speak or spell proper english but somehow most of the time I am able to get my point across.



  • AgentSmith

    Sad Emo, blimey mate! Sorry, I'dna seen ya thar in earshot! LOL.

    Have friends in SA that came from Ipswitch, and the other from a village in Wales. When those two get going all undestanding of language goes pear shaped. You need a translator, and they are both speaking English!!LOL.

  • Clam

    I don't see the Queen's accent as ideal English pronunciation anyway - the vowel sounds are usually murdered. In Knightsbridge, sex is something one has ones coal delivered in, and a creche is often mistaken for a car accident.

    Toodle pip,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Agent Smith - Wales and Ipswich accents - yeah that's some combination lol!

    I don't have as broad a Yorkshire accent as I used to, but when I went to Israel on holiday a few years ago, they almost didn't let me back out of the country. The really stroppy soldier who was doing my 'exit interrogation' thought that I had a problem with my English.

    The reason - I was trying to speak 'queens' because I knew he wouldn't understand a word I was saying if I spoke with my normal accent. (Effectively queen's English is a second language to me - so I can't speak it very quick!)

    That's the exact opposite to what happened to this poor Aussie lady. Looks like you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't sometimes!

  • AgentSmith

    Afrikaans speaking South Africans, like myself, sometimes get it wrong if we don't speak English often. Jeans for example...we lose the 's', and we have to add the pants. But the 's' goes away as well. thus: jeans becomes jean pant. Weird and hilarious. And our accent weaves through everything. If you have seen 'Blood Diamond' with Leonardo de Caprio, he does a fair copy of the accent.

    Telling you straight broer! (Honestly)

  • Stephanus
    If you have seen 'Blood Diamond' with Leonardo de Caprio, he does a fair copy of the accent.

    I find that when I'm trying to do a New Zealand accent, I end up sounding more "Sarth Effrikan"

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