Everything you know about God is wrong - new book recommend

by stillajwexelder 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    Everything you know about God is wrong - The disinformation Guide to Religion. new book recommend Edited by Russ Kick published 2007

    This is a new book just arrived I ordered on Amazon.com ISBN-10 1-932857-59-1. It is 387 A4? pages long by various authors and a piece by Dawkins. I have not been able to put it down and am now on page 173 (taking up serpents).

    Really good read and amusing in places.

    1 chapter Who Wrote the Gospels (Hint it wasnt Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) by Gary Greenberg is good

  • exwitless

    Sounds very interesting. Keep us updated as you read it. I may have to check that one out.

  • OnTheWayOut

    That sounds kind of radical to what the Fateful and Excremental Slave teach us.
    I will probably order that.

    Just commenting here to mark my post and find it later.

  • poppers

    If "God" were something within the mind then perhaps, perhaps he/she/it could be known, for what is known falls within the provence of the mind. If "God" is something beyond the mind then it is impossible to "know" him/her/it through the mind. It would then be ridiculous for anyone, therefore, to state that they "know" what god is.

  • stillajwexelder

    poppers what you have just said is true and one of the points of the book

  • TwentyYearsOut

    I've recently discovered the following sites with a lot of food for thought:



  • nvrgnbk

    So simple, and yet so true, poppers.

  • poppers

    Gee, maybe I should write a book too.

  • serotonin_wraith

    I've got a few other books to get through first, but this one has been added to the list. Thanks!

  • codeblue

    Stilla, thanks for sharing about this new book. Sounds very interesting

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