Everything you know about God is wrong - new book recommend

by stillajwexelder 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hibiscusfire

    read The Selfish Gene by Dawkins that will help you

    So you're telling me to read a book which was written by a mere man? And you put your trust in that.

    Therefore, you do not trust what the bible says because God inspired man to write it? You trust a man rather than God. Man who constantly fails God. God never fails us. The world has become more wicked.

    God's words are forever.


  • JCanon
    The messiah would arrive at 1335 days, 45 years later! That points to 1992"

    Well, firstly, 1992? So what's he been doing since then, sitting on a heavenly toilet?

    Don't you read your Bible. When Satan is kicked out of heaven at the time of the second coming, Christ rules "in the midst of his enemies" while the anointed as sealed into the kingdom. when the last anointed one is sealed then the great tribulation leading into Armageddon begins, followed by the millennium. But besides providing specialized spiritual food for the anointed, basically, yes, those already in the kingdom are sort of WAITING around until the full number is sealed (1, 440,000).

    Well 99% of what you have said is NOT in the Bible - which is why your comments are almost devoid of scripture. But, before you deluge me with the scriptures in Daniel I already know, the problem is, as always, with the INTERPRETATION of prophesy.

    And, since the Bible can be made to say almost anything - there are thousands of credible sounding explanations of prophesy that contradict each other - you really are screwed either way!

    The above may be your personal experience with scripture, but not mine. In my case there is only one correct explanation and that has to be cross-checked for harmony of scripture. I challenge you to find any other religion or belief that can coordinate the three major prophesies that point to the exact year of the second coming and make it match up with the actual events. You claim anybody can do it. Well let's see it? They can't. There's only date possible. Here are the three tests:

    1. Christ eats the last Lord's Supper at the mid-70th week of the second coming. How do we determine when the 70th week is during our day? SIMPLE. Since we know the first 70 weeks of the first coming was from 455 BCE to 36CE, that fixes the timeline for the jubilee periods of 490 years each. So we just have to count down 490 years from 36CE until we get to our day. 4 x 490 = 1960. 1960 plus 36CE = 1996. Therefore, 1996 ends the 490-year period during our day that begins in 1506 AD. That means the 70th week is from 1989 to 1996 and the mid-week Passover, the first since Christ's return, occurs on April 6, 1993, the messiah must arrive within a year of April 6, 1993.

    2. As noted the 1335 days prophecy ends the gentile times and the 1290 days in 1947 when the Jews regain their homeland. The messiah would arrive at 1335 days, or 45 years after that event. That gives us November 30, 1992 to November 29, 1993. Note this period overlaps the above period, limiting the second coming event to just a four-month period, from November 30, 1992 to April 6, 1993. Please note both means of independent dating, one based on 29 CE and the other on the return of the Jews to Palestine point to the same year.

    3. Finally, we have the Bible's chronology that dates the 1st of Cyrus to 455BCE, which means the 70 years of desolation began in 525BCE, year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar, the last deportation. The fall of Jerusalem would occur, therefore, in 529BCE. The second coming is supposed to be 2520 years (7 times) from the fall of Jerusalem. 2520 - 529 = 1991 +1 = 1992. So it's the same year of 1992-1993!

    Now give me one example of where these three prophecies that have to be fulfilled within a year, can coordinate all three to the same year. Obviously, you must have many examples since that is your claim. I already know you can't, because all three prophecies relate to historical events. Prediction is one thing, but retrocalculation after the fact is quite another.


  • greendawn

    It sounds like another big effort by the evolutionist establishment to discredit the Bible and creationism in general. I haven't read or even hard of the book but it will be interesting to read it so as to know what the other side has to say.

  • stillajwexelder

    So you're telling me to read a book which was written by a mere man? And you put your trust in that.

    hibiscusfire The bible was written by man - so why should I trust that?

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