NO WAY!!! Cthulhu is coming to a theater near you!!!!

by avishai 15 Replies latest social entertainment

  • GentlyFeral

    avishai, thanks for the heads-up! I'm not really into conventional horror movies – just too thin-skinned – but I'd rather like to see what could be done with the Cthulhu stories.

    Now, if they ever do "The Colour Out of Space" – I'd pay not to see that! I first ran across it as a young adult, and actually could not sleep that night. After that, I made it a point to read Lovecraft only during the daylight hours.

    gently f eral

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy


    As long as they don't make it stupid like that "Dagon" piece of junk....ugh...

    I had always heard that Lovecraft was scary, etc...Once I left the borg I read some of his work...I like it, but I can't really say that it frightens me. Not like "It" from Stephen King....that book freaked the hell out of me...

    Man, I hate clowns.....

  • mrsjones5

    I once read a collections of stories that used H.P Lovecrafts Cthulhu mythos as the theme or basis, a good but weird read but don't think I would pay to watch something like that.

  • educ8self

    I looked this up a while back, having listened to Metallica in my youth I always wondered about the name Cthulhu from that instrumental song. I had learned from IMDB that there are other adaptations but didn't remember the latest was this soon. It would be interesting to read Lovecraft at some point, there's just so much out there..

  • VM44

    There was a hippy movie I love that came out around that time that also starred Dean Stockwell (along w/ Jack Nicholson). I forgot the name but that flick was grooooovy.

    Could the movie be "Psych-Out" (1968)? It had Stockwell and Nicholson in it. I have never seen it though.

  • JeffT

    Cthulhu for President!

    Why settle for a lesser evil.

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