How does the WT pay for sending Bethelites to University?

by nvrgnbk 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • nvrgnbk

    If they have the Sovereign of the universe on their side, why do they need so many lawyers?

    Didn't Paul quit being a lawyer to preach the good news?

  • changeling

    Maybe they want more "inside" lawyers to protect them form future lawsuits?

  • journey-on

    Changeling, I don't know any personally...just what I've gleaned from hearsay.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I know a CO who went to college while doing circuit work.

    By their own standards, that IS strange. Why would anyone in the
    position of unpaid travelling full-time corp. representative need to go
    to college? It's almost like he didn't have his full trust in God's
    organization. It may be slow, but momentum is with those opposed
    to WTS.

  • journey-on

    Why would anyone in the
    position of unpaid travelling full-time corp. representative need to go
    to college?

    In order to work at headquarters. But, the question is: Who's paying for it?? If it's the WTS, then it's the r&f's contributions paying for it. At the same time, they tell the lowly publishers not to seek higher education or send their sons and daughters to college.

  • changeling

    I know him personally. He is now settled down and serves as a highly respected PO.

  • educ8self

    Is the hypocrisy really any surprise though, considering other things that is known? And it makes sense, you can't sustain an organization that big if everyone is ignorant.

  • Arthur

    How much could it possibly cost to train someone to wash dishes, wax floors, or change Carey Barber's bib?

  • nvrgnbk

    I guess one should do as they do and not as they say.

  • Chameleon

    Can someone here confirm that the WT pays for it with donations? I don't want to say that and then have it come back to bite me.

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