Why don't Witnesses indentify themselves at the door when in service?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth fader
    darth fader

    We used to make up false names at the door! No one cared!

  • Jim_TX
    They asked if she was over 18. She replied that she wasn't. They left without indentifiying themselves. It bothered me that they didn't say why they were at the door and what their purpose was as for the visit.

    I find that very strange and disturbing that they would ask someone if they were 'over 18' as I don't ever recall asking someone that, or being instructed to ask someone that.

    ...maybe their literature is not suited for children under the age of 18?

    Rated R, perhaps?


    Jim TX


    Years ago,I had to ask two ladys at my door if they were JW`s..Of course I knew they were,but I needed an intro to get into my Pedophile Sermon!..LOL!!..They were hesitant to answer me...OUTLAW

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Why they choose to remain unidentified? Simply put, that's to prevent the door being slammed in their faces!

  • SusanHere

    If they had been Mormons, a 17-year old would have known it. Even a 7-year old would have known it.

    They all wear name badges clearly identifying them, and they all identify themselves verbally by giving their names, the name of the Church, stating their business, and asking for an adult to come to the door. That's how it's done in the Mormon world.

    And they don't carry bookbags or briefcases. If anything, it's a backpack. So they definitely look differently and use a different approach from JWs.

  • Arthur
    We used to make up false names at the door! No one cared!

    LOL - That brings back memories. I remember we would pull these kind of antics when door to door activity became boring. My one buddy would always call me nerdy names like Arvid or Egor. One time, two of us went into a laundromat. I was about seventeen at the time. I approached a man and offered a magazine. He started talking to me in Spanish. I just looked at the other brother, looked at the man and said: "El Pollo Loco". The other brother covered his face with his Watchtower and walked out laughing, trying to contain himself. It was these few moments of goofing off and acting like an ass that ever brought me any joy in service. Sad, but true.

  • MeneMene

    The last time I visited with my devout J-dub sister we stopped by one of her neighbors that lived a few streets away to ask about something.

    We both went up to the door and I rang the bell and after a few minutes knocked. We stood there waiting for several minutes and no one came to the door.

    I finally turned to my sister and said, "I guess they won't answer the door cause they think it's Jehovah's Witnesses." She said, yeah I was thinking the same thing.

    We had a good laugh anyway.

  • blondie

    I've heard several "explanations."

    1) Jesus did not identify himself directly as the Messiah but let people come to that conclusion by observing his actions and words. Of course, jws aren't identifying themselves as something as important as the Messiah but know that people would shut the door if they guessed they were jws.

    2) Hearing you are a jw can be an immediate door closer. Some jws think they can engage you in a Bible subject before any "prejudice" links up.

    3) But then I have heard COs and others say that jws shouldn't be ashamed of their "name" and not afraid to name God's name. It may be the only "witness" you get to make before the door is shut.


  • theMartian

    What makes you think they were us? (JWs)

    I ALWAYS identify myself, and speak to children, always encouraging them to ask their parents about the Bible. Of course, it just MIGHT have been a couple of my brothers. Don't know why they wouldn't identify themselves...

  • sf

    honesty is the best policy

    LOL!! Amazing humor here with these active jws that post here.


    Can I get a haha?


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