My hubby just laid down some rules to my elder dad

by Es 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    Good job Mike!!

    From personal experience do not let your children be alone with your parents. My mother turned my oldest against me by using the JW doctrine. Because of me he was gonna die, mommy and daddy are bad and jehovah doesn't like them, blah, blah, blah

    It worked and my son has issues to this day and he's 24.


  • Gayle

    Awesome for your husband!,,in no terms he was clear that he will not play the JW game. JWs become their own victims in the long run. Your husband is teaching your children real love is "unconditional", a term JW children never hear.

  • greendawn

    It's good to stand up to the cult inspired JWs that put family bonds beneath loyalty to an organisation that repeatedly failed them on matters of dates and doctrine. On the OTH he is making a fool of himself and the org he represents, before a non JW by the way he behaves towards you his daughter and that is good in that it damages their reputation.

  • BlackPearl

    It's ridiculous how that religion can teach it's members such vile behaviour, and commend them for it! Sheesh! Good on Mike for "settin' down the law".


  • Gregor

    Unless I missed it, I haven't heard mention of one more condition I would insist on - No talking about religous concepts to the kids. That's the parents balliwick and if it is not respected the visits are over.

  • reneef

    Your husband is being loving & protective of you and your family. That's wonderful! He is right, there is no human excuse for the way jws act.

    I wouldn't allow them to be alone with your children either. They can't seem to stop themselves from preaching their hateful brand of religion. Grandchildren want their grandparent's love. JW's are experts at exploiting this and caring children.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good on your man. i'd make it even harder. and say you don't see the kids, till you treat you daughter , with respect for al at least 6 months, es has to be comfortable that your acting like a father to her, without any reliogous,bible,wts, bullcrap, then after you say your sorry to ES for about 6 monthsd and really mean it. And stop acting like a brainwashed idolizer of a book publishiong co. we might let you see the kids. i would but him through the wriger for all the hurt he gave your wife. john

  • Paralipomenon

    Nice move by your hubby.

    I could never understand how grandparent's "love" could skip a generation. Kudo's for not letting them get away with it!

  • MadTiger

    Hubby of Es = pimphand strong

    Good one.

  • Bryan

    Good on Mike!

    It's nice to see when the JW's can't control the abuse they use so often.


    Have You Seen My Mother

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