Jehovah is responsible for latest cougar attack

by cultswatter 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon
    That is terrible that they killed the cougar , he didn't do anything wrong. When you are out camping you are in the wild and should know that there is danger.

    It is a shame that such creatures have to die in these situations, but they are killed as they have tasted human blood and will therefore be willing to attack a human with much less caution next time.

    The problem is as HS says ... potentially dangerous animals such as bears and cougars can become habitualized and lose their natural fear of humans or see them as prey and for this reason they may be destroyed.

    It is one of the reasons that stopping to take pictures of wild bears in the National Parcs is discouraged - you may be contributing to the bears death by doing it.

  • cultswatter

    Where do I start?


    I have made ignorant postings before but that was not one of them. Humans are mammals too. This is a case of mammal attacking mammal and regardless of the reason for the attack, the full responsibility for the attack lies upon Jehovah(Jeharma) . He created the cougar and knows full well it's upredictablity. Look at the hundreds of Christians that were eaten by lions. Again, Jehovah knows that these mammals of the cat family will attack without regard for human life. So this proves that Jehovah is totally to blame for this cougar attack as He could have prevented it. The Nimrods of this world must exterminate these mindless animals. Bears, lions, cougars and the like will reside in the sights of my 30-06 carbine until none of them stand no more.

    PEC said

    People need to be put to sleep for being idiots, not animals for being animals

    PEC, again, I marvel at your ignorance. You must be an animal rights activist. I bet you do not eat Kentucky fried chicken because of the way chickens are treated. If a cougar was on top of your son eating him alive and you had a 45 pistol would you not shoot the cougar? If you did not shoot the cougar then you are worse than a murderer!

  • MsBHaving

    I am just blown away that you can blame Jehovah.... ITS a wild animal... the people were in the animals space. I can't believe they didn't relocate the cat either.

  • nvrgnbk

    Jehovah could have distracted the cougar by planting another mammal to be sacrificed.

    He did it for Abe and Ike.

  • cultswatter

    MsBhaving said

    I am just blown away that you can blame Jehovah.... ITS a wild animal...

    Another animal rights activist!. Jehovah will make the animals safe once again. As a matter of fact He promises that a 12 year old could ride on the back of a cougar all day without being eaten. Now if Jehovah can tame an animal then can he not also make it wild as well?. The facts show that these wild animals are wild because of the will of Jehovah. His will causes nothing but harm.!!

  • PEC


    You just don't get it, they were in the cougar's home, not the other way around. They saved the kid without killing the cougar. There was no reason to go after and kill the cougar for just being a cougar.

    If the cougar had came into town and was attacking kids and pets; then, there would be no choice, but to kill it, that was not the case.

    There is too much ignorance in this world, the cougar tasted human blood; so, it is now going to want to eat people is pure BS, no matter how many times it is repeated. I am a meat eater not an aminal rights wacko, I just hate to see this amimal killed because of human ignorance.


  • cultswatter


    Animals have no sense of "home" to speak of. Look at the 1st centruy Christians. The lions still attacked and ate the christians even thought the coliseum was not their natural home. Animals are dangerous and will attack unprovoked.. You did not answer my previous question :

    IF a cougar was attacking your son, would you shoot the cougar(you happen have a gun in your hand) or would you let the cougar eat your son and then blame your son for being in the cougar's territory? Answer the question !

  • PEC


    Your question is irrelevant, the child was safe without killing the cougar.

    If my child was being attacked and I had a gun I would fire it into the ground this should chase of the cougar. If I fired at the cougar I could hit and kill my child. It would be better to hit the cougar with a tree branch or rock than shooting it. No I am not anti-gun, next irrelevant question.


  • JeffT
    These smaller dinosaurs such as the cougar

    Whatever dinosaurs were, they were not mammals.


    PEC..Do you live in the Wilderness?.....I do.....Hillary is right.....There is nothing wrong with loving animals..But..Once they go after a human,they have to be put down..A word of advice:"If a cougar or any other wild animal go`s after your child ..Kill it"...OUTLAW

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