3 months, not even a phone call about my late mother from the Dubs.....

by WingCommander 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Es

    So sorry wing commander, I dont think they know how to be decent to anybody thats not a JW, sickening really


  • JWdaughter

    My mom is a JW, has been around them for most of her life. The only one that came to the informal memorial for my non-JW dad, was her brother and his wife. My dad had done work for JWs as friends, as well as just to be nice on my mom's behalf at the KH. A JW couple were good friends with my mom and dad for years, and they didn't show up. But then, I could barely get a JW to visit my mom when he was dying so I don't know why I would expect anything from them. None of my mom's JW friends showed up to support her. The only JWs that she saw when she was in the hospital was a couple who made sure she didn't have any blood forced on her. Jeez.

    WC, I think you are well rid of them! And don't make any big decisions for awhile (like the pastors offerings), you are not in any shape for that yet.

    I am truly sorry for your loss. Thats a part of growing up we fear and secretly hope we can just skip.


  • emptywords

    I'm sorry wingcommander that you had to experience this lack of love at such a sad time in you're life. I think you praying and having that one on one shows you have faith and that is all you need the rest falls into place. Don't be too concerned about the sad state of the witnesses in the congregation rather feel pity for them as you at least can see they are still blind.

    Lots of hugs

  • LoverOfTruth

    Losing your Mother is so very difficult. My thoughts are with you.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I'm so glad now I send sympathy cards to JWs who have lost family members. Of couse, I never hear back from the recipients but I gives me comfort knowing someone cares.

  • blondie

    Sorry, WingCommander, but I am not surprised. This was one of my pet peeves re not showing love. Hubbie and I were active jws, he an elder. Twice non-jw relatives died, once even announced at the KH, but only one card............and many cards and calls from nonjws. No explanation from the BOE except they were too busy...........too busy..........couldn't count the time is more like it.


  • orbison11

    so sorry to hear about your mother

    the very same thing happened to me for both my mother and father,,,i guess their being worldly meant their passing wouldnt mean a thing to me:(


  • sparrow

    Sorry for your loss Wing Commander and hope you get all the support you need outside the org loveless gatherings

  • Hortensia

    wing commander and everyone else with the same experience, I'm so sorry! They are a heartless bunch in many ways. When my mother died, everyone turned out for her service (I can't remember whatever JWs call it)and they all made a point of saying how much they missed us (my sisters and I grew up with these folks) and how they missed our mother and wanted to stay in touch. I really got quite sentimental about it all - I sent everyone who attended the service, at a cost of hundreds of dollars, a rose bush from Jackson and Perkins called "Mother" with a note that said "plant this in memory of our mother and your friend, J--- B---." Not one person responded out of three congregations!!! Not one. Never heard another word from any of them. It's all moonshine and love bombing, no substance. I'm an asshole to ever have given them another chance at being decent.

  • codeblue


    I am so sorry....

    I was 14 when my JW Mom died of cancer. My Dad wasn't a JW. I didn't really get the support needed, but reassured I would see her in the resurrection, IF I remained a JW.

    My Dad died when I was 28, he was not a JW. I was treated like he wasn't a PERSON because he wasn't a JW. That crushed me to be treated so horribly by the JW's just because he wasn't a JW, it was as if he didn't count.

    It is a huge, thing in life to loose a parent. It feels like part of you is ripped away. All we want is a love and compassion when we grieve.

    I am sorry you didn't get it from the source you thought you should have got it from (like me) Rest assured your are in God's thoughts, and even that minister that gives you kind visits. You don't have to join his church, but like me, I am always thankful for the support I get from those I need at the time.

    We on this board are also there for you

    take care,


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