Do You Still Call It "The Truth"? "The Brothers" etc.

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    "When I was in the Truth...."

    "Since I left the Truth"....

    Do you still find yourself using JW terminology?

  • exwitless

    Only when I put quotes around the words, like you did in the title.

    It's funny, I was just thinking about terminology I hate now that I'm out. Examples: the truth, new system of things, going out in the field (sounds like farm work to me), wicked system of things, anything that incorporates "system of things" in its name, meetings (can't call it church!), not-at-homes, return visit, "study" (as in a person with whom a JW is conducting a bible study. They're not a person, they get labeled a "study". "My study is coming to the memorial." ugh.)

  • Stealth453

    No. I used to use the terms shortly after my liberation from the wt, but now I actually have trouble using those "catch words" in everyday conversations.

  • BFD

    I do say that now I know the truth about the truth.


  • greendawn

    Once out of the JWs those words cease to have any meaning and all the more so as their ideology becomes discredited to the person. Eg far from being a truth loving organisation the WTS thrives on lying to the extend that it will collapse without it.

  • caligirl

    Nope. I gag and choke at any use of that terminology and had no problem letting it go.

    I don't remember using it that much growing up either. Everything was pretty informal in the area I grew up in and first names were almost always used. About the only time "titles" were used was on stage. Which was fine with me, because I was also one to go out of my way NOT to use it, especially with people who seemed to need the title to feel "special"

  • Honesty

    No. I outgrew BUZZWORDS awhile back.

  • ex-nj-jw

    NO, I can't stand the JW lingo and will go out of my way not to use it. I actually, to annoy my JW family and (1) JW friend, will say things like, "oh, are you going to church tonight", or when they use the phrase "the truth" I say oh you mean "the lie". They get so upset and I have a good laugh!

    My mother told me the other day the she had to go (on the phone) because the brother's were at the door, I said mom, all your brother's have passed , she said "you know what I mean"


  • FadingAway

    no. I was baptized at 26 years old and still found using dubisms hard back then. could never get comfortable using it in my speech.

  • journey-on

    I choke on it now. One of our JWD posters (who shall remain nameless, but it's the one that comes on the board and stirs the sh** pot defending her precious "truth") used one yesterday: our donation arrangement. It's more like "our fleece-the-flock" scam.

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