I can't eat......

by ex-nj-jw 26 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • PEC

    nj, you have a PM.


  • nicolaou

    Really sorry to hear how you're sufferring ex-nj-jw. I occasionally get acid reflux, it wakes me up at night and I have to race to the bathroom to sluice some cold water down my throat.

    All the best

  • Es

    Oh you poor thing, I know a little of what your going throught, after a very heavy drinking night a few years ago I got reflux, doc put me on some great medicine but as I dont take it all the time it flares up every now and then, it was particularly worse when I was pregnant with my daughter.
    I would wake up in agony during the night with this intense burning feeling, I found chomping on an apple really help.

    All the best


  • nicolaou

    Es, you're so pretty.

    [shuffles feet]

  • sspo

    Go to McDonald and have a "caramel sunday" extra caramel, that usually helps with acid reflux.

    It helps me, i hope it doesn't ruin you.

    Good luck and hope you feel better

  • ex-nj-jw

    Thanks for all the well wishes!!

    I do feel better today, but I'm sticking to soups and crackers, I'm so sick of jello and applesause But I do think I'm on the mend!

    Now, to find out what to take for my knee pain!! Can't stay doped up on percocet all the time, I can read and post when I'm on percocet Oh yeah, and of course nothing else gets done except me laying on the couch, snoring


  • greendawn

    You say that you take fluids. If by fluids you don't mean just water if they contain the necessary nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins etc you will be OK.

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