Why I post here

by Wordly Andre 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Why do I post here, I haven’t been to a meeting regularly for almost 16 years, last time I attended Memorial I was 14, my wife and I are Roman Catholic, all my close friends are not JW’s.

    So why do I feel the need to post on here if all that is in my life is so far away from the Kingdumb Hall?

    These are questions often asked to me by some of my friends and sometimes even my wife, they say well you left that behind years ago, that is true, however most of my family on my mothers side are still JW’s, I still deal with what I went through going up in the ORG, being able to share that with other people who also had similar experience is great.

    My biggest reason for posting on here is my grandma, she is 83 years old, some of my JW family still harass her, after all these years, she was born a Catholic, she will die a Catholic, and in the meantime she is going to be Catholic.

    They leave books at her house around the holidays showing why Christmas is wrong, they get mad at me for taking her to church, they get mad because I celebrate her birthday, they get mad because I decorate her house for Christmas, one of my aunts even tells my mom to stop me, my mom and I have a silent understanding about the whole matter she hasn’t tried to make me go back to meeting since I told her when I was 20 that I would NEVER go back to meetings and NEVER will have anything to do with the crazy ORG.

    It’s a lot of stress to deal with, this board is a great place to vent, make friends, laugh and get ammo against them.

    Why do you post here?

    Are there others like me here, who have been away from the ORG as long as me?

  • Stealth453

    Good for you bud.

    I post here to make amends for all of the lives I f****d up as a bethelite, pioneer and elder. If I can help one person to see the light, it will make a small dent in the damage that I helped to cause as a dub. If I live long enough, perhaps my slate will be wiped clean.

    Wish me luck.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Stealth, Bethel, Pioneer, Elder!! Oh boy you better sponser a starving kid in Africa, to help wipe that slate Ha ha ha,

  • Stealth453

    hahaha...Good point..would an orphan in the Philippines count?

  • Dragonlady76

    I was raised a dub, I didn't have a choice in the matter, I wish that when my parents were studying that there had been an internet, that someone could have exposed the borgs lies, alerted them to the control and deceit to my parents, I am sure that if they had known they would have choosen another path in their search for a religious identity.

    For many years I distanced myself as much as possible from anything JW related, I figured the more I repressed the memories the better I would feel, I just wanted to be normal, I was still bitter about my lost childhood and also very ashamed. My life was good without the borgs control, I had a job, bought a car, eventually I moved out and married, had a little money, I traveled the world, purchased a very nice home with a pool, and I had a child, my dreams the ones I never thought would come true, did.

    One night I was sitting on the floor in front of the TV and this story came on about the JW Sex abuse scandal, I was riveted, my mind raced I thought about my years as dub and I KNEW they were not lying! At first I was shocked, for some reason, I thought that although the dubs sucked they were still good people just trying to serve god, and that somehow they would not let this happen, but they did and now the cat was outa the bag, I was angry, very angry, pissed blind with rage, how could they? now it wasn't just about my shitty childhood, the stakes were much higher.My parents are still part of this destructive cult, why oh why?

    I googled JW's and found freeminds, JWD and others where I read stories that broke my heart, I decided that I would be just as bad as the dubs if I did nothing, I knew that I could help by spreading the word, if I could prevent one person from joining and ruining there life and that of there families, well that's all I care about, so that's why I post here.


    I haven't been to a meeting since late April, maybe early May. Not since I found the real truth about the truth.

    Therapy for me, keeping me sane because yes, there are others like me. I'm learning to think for myself again and I hope that something I say can help others the way you all have helped me.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It's been roughly 30 years since I've been in a Kingdumb Hall. I was a pioneer and an MS and I knew of a pedophile in my own congregation DECADES before Bill Bowen and Barb Andrson started silentlambs. I participate here because I'm a friendly, helpful kind of guy!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I post here because I had been held back from an honest conversation for so long while in the borg. Even now, I can't discuss it with most of my family as they still believe it. That alone is enough to drive a person mad.

    I love the differing viewpoints on the board. Most of all, I love that people can have differing viewpoints. I have learned a lot and realize that no one knows the whole truth and that's OK.

    If something I say helps someone along the way, that is an added bonus. I would love to bring the ones I brought into the borg back out, but it just isn't happening. I think it is important to get to people before they get too far into the whole delusion. The internet is great for that. I like to think that some people google jws when starting a study and this site is great to help them to think twice. I wish I would have had it when I was approaced by the dubs.

  • free2think

    Im fading, so i post here because i get to say what i eally feel and think about this cult. It enables me to vent and not let it all build up in my head. Also when i read all the other posters stories it stops me from letting any guilt trips affect me and strengthens my resolve to never go back.

    editted to add: oops just noticed my typo.

  • lonelysheep

    There are PEOPLE here that I share a common bond with. There are a lot of beautiful people here who I would not otherwise have known if I didn't post here. There's nothing wrong with it nor does it keep me stagnant in life.

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