Do you think the society will abandon 1914?

by B_Deserter 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    The current "this generation" doctrine makes it unnecessary to address this for a
    long time. The current FDS and Last Days teachings make it necessary to keep
    1914. They will eventually do as SB (above) says, but it'll be much much more
    than 20 years down the road.

    There will be major changes continuing over the next 20 years as membership
    will start to shrink and donations shrink even more.

  • journey-on
    donations shrink even more

    This is what is probably scaring them more than anything and this is what I think is behind the upcoming Kool-aid version of the WT. I really believe they see those still in it as the ones that are going to have to support their crap, because the internet is going to expose them for the sham they are and any intelligent person will research them before being sucked in, so new membership will dwindle down to nothing (among people with $$ to donate anyway).

    This time next year, they will be studying the WT and learning how to plan financially to help support Jehovah's final great work. How to will your estate, how to contribute not only your hard earned money, but your stocks and bonds, how to budget so you can make sure Jehovah's organization is receiving a portion, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

  • Highlander
    I'll be anxious to see 2014 model year cars at the kingdom hall parking.

    When that happens I'll attend the kingdung hall in my 1914 Ford Model T

  • emptywords

    This is what is probably scaring them more than anything and this is what I think is behind the upcoming Kool-aid version of the WT. I really believe they see those still in it as the ones that are going to have to support their crap, because the internet is going to expose them for the sham they are and any intelligent person will research them before being sucked in, so new membership will dwindle down to nothing (among people with $$ to donate anyway).

    This time next year, they will be studying the WT and learning how to plan financially to help support Jehovah's final great work. How to will your estate, how to contribute not only your hard earned money, but your stocks and bonds, how to budget so you can make sure Jehovah's organization is receiving a portion, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

    I think you are on to something here, I have noticed that they are not discouraging having babies like they use to either, so any increase will come from the born in the truths who have been brainwashed from birth, and some migrants, and of those many just study to help them with english, happens all the time. As I have said in another thread we now have three contibution box's in the hall, extra one for KH building, some have complained about it.

  • Scully

    I think 1914 will receive less and less attention over the next 5 to 10 years, to the point where it stops being mentioned in WTS publications all together.

    They did the same thing with other doctrines. Remember how the blood doctrine and DFing/shunning used to be included in the introductory study book when trying to gain new converts, and then all of a sudden - within the last 5 years IIRC - those two chapters were dropped from the most recent edition of that particular publication?

    I think they are waiting for a lot of the old timers to die - the ones who were supposed to be part of the generation that saw 1914 and the Great Tribulation in their own lifetimes. Those folks are the ones who stuck by the WTS through thick and thin, waiting to see the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy™ in their lifetimes, the ones who the WTS cheated out of their lives. Once they've been permanently silenced by death, the WTS will try to get away with another bait and switch tactic.

  • OnTheWayOut

    While I have commented one way already, looking back I have speculated wildly in the opposite
    directions. It's just speculation, but I am starting to be influenced by what I read here and I am
    starting to believe in the "Blaze-of-glory" tactic.

    The WTS realizes that membership will slide down and donations are down. They will look at
    the exciting events leading up to 1975 and the slight peaks after Sept. 11, 2001 in the U.S.
    They have laid the groundwork for several different scenarios to play out. Here's the one they
    will choose- As they continue to streamline the organization from the previously wasteful one,
    and the product gets cheaper and cheaper, they will focus on one more date. I, personally
    think the date will be 2034. This will be 120 past 1914, just as the days of Noah were after
    Jehovah decided what to do.

    There will be so much excitement starting in 10 to 15 years from now. There will be much to
    do. The GB will say that since the growth is in foreign fields where it hasn't been exhausted
    yet, they will move to Europe (picking some country that won't tax them to death). Up until
    2034, the money will flow again and new recruits will come in (from developing nations mostly).
    The money will include life savings of devoit rank-and-file who got old and willed it to them. The
    product offered in the field will be cheap flyers that don't cost much to produce, along with one
    brochure to study with interested ones who allow return visits. The brochure will be laiden with
    legaleze- directly implied doctrine about the last days, obedience, etc., but not directly stated.

    After the great disappointment of January 2035 (or perhaps a wee bit longer as they have stretched
    into the next year on previous prophecies), we will see major changes. The GB will (sort of) retire to
    some country estate and the lawyers and accountants will allow the writing dept. to actually
    apologize for the GB- saying the GB should have stopped the members from running with their
    speculations of an interesting possibility that the last days were equal in length to the last days
    before the flood of Noah's day. It won't work- somewhere between 50 and 90 % will leave, but the
    money, ah- the money will stay. The lawsuits will bounce off the Lichtenstein or Serbian or Whatever
    based Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The lawsuits will only get to the properties that were
    still left behind in most countries, but the lawyers outside of WTS will eat up any monies there.
    Even here, the vast majority of properties will have been sold to pay for the phoney-baloney last-minute
    lifesaving work. There will have been no renovations or new buildings in most lands for 10 years
    leading up to 2034. Any growth will meet in private homes and rented facilities- old grocery stores and

    The 2034 District Convention will be grand before the fall happens. The drama will be talked about all the
    way up to January, probably a totally new take on what Noah and family did after the 40 days of rain.
    Their eager anticipation of letting the animals out and NO MORE WICKEDNESS. The theme will reflect
    OBEDIENCE TO THE GOVERNING BODY. The new release will be just another flyer, they will say that's
    all we have time to get into everyone's hands. By then, people will be tired of JW's proclamation of doom
    and the service meetings will say how they laughed at Noah.

    You should all try creative writing like this. It is very releasing of the mind.

  • steve2

    The human memory dies at death. It's easy for people who have not lived through something to get over it. The 1914 doctrine will simply fade as those whose lives were affected by the 1914 doctrine die out. There's nothing like new blood to keep old religions alive.

  • NotaNess

    They will change doctrine, publishing that the new light directs them to the real reign of Christ starting when the BeeGee's took control of disco in the mid 70's. BG backwards is GB. Totally didn't see that one coming. Their Watchtower and Awake mags will become a quarterly magazine featuring a "Sister Babe" of the quarter pin-up in the middle spread pages. Showing only her bare ankles, and neck of course under a bright floral dress. A hot feature section of the mag will be ongoing recipes for "Goody-night". The Governing Body and the annointed, will be decided via voting among all the witnesses...hanging chads will be reviewed by district JC's. The new official logo of the WT will be a tail wagging a dog.

    ...(tap, tap, this thing on?....)

  • journey-on

    Notaness...That's funny. I knew the Bee Gees had something spiritual going for them...right time, right place. I know they moved me back then (especially Barry).

  • neverendingjourney

    It's been mentioned already, but there is no need for them to get rid of 1914. Not now. Not ever. The new spin on the generation teaching is that a "generation" is an undefined length of time. A generation could be two or three hundred years if you look closely at the way that article is worded.

    If they decide to change 1914, it will be because some new "oracle" figured out a new algorithm that sets a new date or deadline for Armageddon, not because they've painted themselves into a corner. The already walked all over the wet paint in 1995 with the "generation revision." They're out of that box already.

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