Going to anoher church?

by KatyH81 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Seeker4

    The study of science and logic that led me to reject the Witnesses proved rather soundly to me that the Bible is an interesting collection of myths, history, poetry, philosophy and nonsense - certainly not a sound basis for creating a religion on!

    Lori and I did attend an Xmas Eve service at a beautiful church a couple of years ago, and I freely go to whatever funerals and weddings I want. But, I did that as a Witness anyway!

    As has been said, and I apologize for my friends among the believers, trading one form of Christian nonsense for another form is not my idea of good thinking.

    When I want some written "spiritual food," I'll read Ecclesiastes or parts of the Gospels, the entire Tao Te Ching (shorter than almost any book of the Bible and a thousand times more helpful), or Robert Pirsig, Alan Watts, Thich Nhat Hanh or Henry Miller.

    No, no more churches for me. I've left off belief in all the old gods, angels, devils, demons, heavens and hells.


  • truthsearcher

    It has been interesting to read your responses to church services. There are so many different styles and types of services--I tend to think an exJW would be the most comfortable with a strong Bible believing service. Someone suggested calling the pastor during the week and asking about the service--what to expect, why certain elements are there (ex. Passing the plate: that is so the church folks can give their "tithes" conveniently. We don't expect non-members to put money in our plate). It also helps to go with a friend--someone to hold your hand if you get scared! I am available to serve as a hand-holder in Ontario.

  • Flowerpetal

    One of these days I want to go to a new age church--just out of curiousity.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I love the church of my youth, The Episcopal Church. My mother always let me go to any church. I enjoyed that. I go to St. Mark's now. They don't care if you're an athiest, if you've been baptized as a JW or in other churches, you can take communion. It's a lovely, very spiritual ritual. When you see those signs when you drive into a town: The Episcopal Church Welcomes You. They mean it. They don't care if you're Buddhist, Muslim, Baptist or whatever, you're welcome.

  • truthsearcher

    Episcopal: in Canada they are called the Anglicans, in the UK the Church of England. You remember Henry the Eighth from history?

  • FlyingHighNow
    You remember Henry the Eighth from history?

    Yes, I do. One thing to keep in mind about Henry, he was actually very much Catholic. He didn't want to break with Rome. He wanted a divorce. It was his daughter, Queen Elizabeth the First who came up with what is called the Via Media in solving the blood shed in England over Catholicism and Protestantism. She designed a middle ground which combined the best of both which is called the Via Media.

    Elizabeth was a very wise woman. England had been shifted back and forth between Rome and being independent. One Queen would be Catholic and the next King not, so the same building and priests, etc. would change hands and there was a lot of bloodshed. She found a solution. One good thing is that the church does not consider the Bible completely, 100% written and inspired of God.

  • truthsearcher
    Elizabeth was a very wise woman. England had been shifted back and forth between Rome and being independent. One Queen would be Catholic and the next King not, so the same building and priests, etc. would change hands and there was a lot of bloodshed. She found a solution.

    Yes, I remember her solution for Mary Queen of Scots.

  • KatyH81

    I don't know how I would react if I went to a church, but I think I might give it a try, mainly for fellowship. I don't know very many people in my small town, but since fading I have lost contact with my so called friends. All I have to choose from here is methodist, baptist, church of christ, and an independant church. Since I've never been to any other churches I don't know what they teach or what to expect. But I think a few of you have touched on that for me.

    Please keep your stories coming


  • NotaNess

    Moshe, that was hilarious.

    Seriously, Churches are like restaurants. They are not all the same, for sure, and just like you might not like some restaurants, you'll have some issues with some churches. Please note, however, they all have food for living(spiritual food).

    Find one that suits your taste.

    A note on "passing the plate". My church doesn't, we have offering boxes in the back as well, or you can send in your helping money. Those plates are only a different form of a mailbox or box in the back. It's not a demand. Just another way of getting your donations in. I see people passing by our boxes in the back without putting anything in. Should I look at them as if they are refusing to help the expenses of the church? No, so don't look at people who pass the plate without putting money in it, like they aren't helping. They could be doing it another way, or maybe they are low on cash, or gave extra the week previous. You shouldn't go to church feeling pressure, so don't. And if you do go to a church where they pass the plate, feel good about helping where you are being spiritually fed.

  • Twitch

    I haven't been to another church since leaving 20 years ago and have no desire to start going.

    To each their own,....

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