We had a JW at the door today...how I handled it..

by megsmomma 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • megsmomma

    My first instinct was to tell him to go away and my husband was going to answer the door and I said, just tell him we are disfellowshipped. (I am da'd....he hasn't ever been, but, he is "guilty by association" and conciders himself da'd too...)

    So, it is one older man and he is handing out the "Follow The Christ" convention invitation. My husband does say we are disfellowshipped....but, he says it in such an unaffected way (like he was just saying 'no thanks, we aren't interested") that I don't think the man believed him....but, he was about to leave when I thought....Here is my chance....I have been waiting for this for a long time....I shouldn't waste it.

    I go outside and my husband goes in and I tell him I was seriously thinking of going back about a year ago...but then I discovered things that are quite surprising. I mentioned the association to the UN...which he had never heard of, I talked about 607, I talked about the blood issue flip flops, and the child molestation settlement. He had the typical responses. He asked if I got my information on the (EVIL) internet...he talked of the light getting brighter and how mistakes in the past should not be focused on, he talked about the days of Noah and we need to be in the "ark" when the big "A" come to avoid being killed...lalalalalalala.

    He also said he didn't want to argue anymore (which was not the tone of the conversation at all) and he left. I just hope I planted some kind of seed there.

    My heart was beating so fast and I was really nervous talking to him.....I think that is really strange to feel that way. I felt love and compassion and pity for him. I think I handled it all right, who knows. I bet that will be our last visit from the local JW's here though, unless he sends some elders.

  • free2think

    Well done, hopefully what you said will make him think. And in any case it feels good to anti-witness right?!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Wow, sounds like you threw it all at him at once. lol Was his head spinning when he left?

    There is one thing that I'm especially glad about and that is the way I learned of the WT historical bleeps, bloopers and blunders and dare I say it, practical jokes. Didn't come from no innernet - I read much of it straight from the WT's own mouth. I have done plenty of follow-up online though :) JW's have only come around once at my house and I wasn't home. Not sure of how it will play out when they do pop up though. Hopefully I won't come off as an internet addicted, drooling mad apostate type. Oh, wait...there's the doorbell now. :[.....

  • Sunspot

    Congratulations on having the courage to follow your heart and decide to speak with him!

    Whatever you may have said....it is ONE MORE PERSON that has put another chink in the armor, and one more JW that has heard it. JWs (and the WTS) will soon be forced to admit that they can't hide behind their big wall of lies any longer, and SEE that the truth HAS come out no matter how hard they tried to stifle it for years.



  • ZazuWitts

    Good job, Megsmomma, Sure, they 'don't' want to believe us, but you did plant an idea, and you never know, he just might check the 'evil' net himself and check it out. Zazu

  • moshe

    Good job! You will find very few JW's who will accept the challenge of an open discussion at the door. As soon as you gain the upper hand, they cut and run.

  • tremoka

    Excellent work! You definately planted some seeds there! No matter what 'trained' defense he gave the issues you brought up will make him think! It needs to be done, it's the only way. Especially when it's done out of compassion rather than anger. As I upset and angry as I am at many of them, I feel mostly sorry for them!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Did you ask who were the two powerful silent men standing by his side?

    (A Dub-urban legend, referring to angels accompanying Dubs in service.)

  • Jim_TX

    "He asked if I got my information on the (EVIL) internet"

    This is something that I've never understood. The WTBTS will tell their followers to not go on the internet, yet THEY have a website presence, which means that THEY go on the internet. It's a 'do as we say, not as we do', type approach to things.

    I would have challenged this man's questioning the source. I may have asked him why it was okay for headquarters to dabble on the internet, but not the average JW? Is there something that they don't want the average JW to see?


    Jim TX

  • greendawn

    You did well perhaps the things you said will eventually motivate him to do a search on the JW beliefs and find out the truth about their rotten ideology and behaviour.

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