Cat is in trouble- advice?

by Insomniac 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insomniac

    She will not take this seriously. I can't get her to understand that he may be dead soon.

    She's on the phone with the vet's office now, because I yelled at her. Hopefully we have an answer soon.

  • unique1

    Poor kitty.

  • Insomniac

    We got a vet's appt. for 45 minutes from now. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.

  • Margie

    Poor kitty. :( I hope everything turns out okay for him.

  • rebel8

    If the cat ends up needing surgery that's too expensive, you might find a veterinary college that would do it for much less. Ours does.

    Hope it works out.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hope he'll be ok. I guess it depends how much he swallowed - and I really pray there wasn't a needle attatched :-(

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    A friend of mine who was a dog owner stayed with me for a short time once a few years ago...his dog got into the garbage one day and swallowed those red plastic circles you're left with after you peel them off some brands of bologna. About a day later, he had to messily and disgustingly assist the doggy when it passed them, but all was well. So there is hope for kitty.

  • minu
    and I really pray there wasn't a needle attatched :-(

    I KNOW!!! I thought about that two when that option came up. Poor kitty cat..........

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Although, thinking about it, an attached needle could be a lifesaver if there's a blockage in the intestines as it will show up on an x-ray, thus making the thread easier to locate and remove quickly - just have to hope it doesn't perforate.

  • Insomniac

    Thanks for all your replies and encouragement. There was nothing my mom could do. $1500 surgery which may or may not save him. If she'd let it go any longer, kitty would have really suffered, so Mum opted to have him put to sleep right away. He's gone now, and I'm digging a grave for him in my backyard. My mom is inconsolable; she feels it's her fault, but truly, that cat (Baby) ate everything within reach. Short of putting him in a completely empty room his whole life, there was no way she could have guaranteed his safety. Thanks, all.

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