What's your take on "faith healing" ...

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    but I'd never go on tv because you don't through pearls before swine.

    Don't you think you are being a little self-rightous to define anyone who might watch TV as swine?

    Do you have a TV? LOL.

    And anyway, you hide behind the 'testing god' defence.

    He tests us, so why not test him? LOL.

    In any case, people in a double blind experiment would not as individuals be testing god.

    You would have two groups of people; those who pretended to be ill and those who were ill, as classified by medical doctors beforehand.Each group would have even numbers of believers, cynics and agnostics. They would be healed by two groups of people, one group of actors peteding to heal, another of claimed real healers.

    The people oberving would not know if the people were ill or the healers were real. The healers would not know if the peope were ill, the people would not know if their healer was real.

    You would collate the statistics and perform a longitudinal (over time) study of the people to see if they got better. It is an astoundingly simple experiment to design, and it is down to the believers to put experimental data where their mouths are if they want to be taken seriously.

    So, no one testirng god but nasty scientists who do that anyway. The belivers would be genuine in their belief and expectations.

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