Do you think the GB was/is that smart?

by exwitless 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exwitless

    In pondering all of the hundreds of examples of manipulation, lying, controlling the Governing Body is responsible for, I often wonder, are they really that smart? What I mean is, did they set out 100 years ago to systematically gain this much control and power over its minions? Have they had an evil plan all along, with the purpose of absolute control? Or did an innocent group of honest students of the bible just simply get out of hand, and the GB is simply now having to keep all the plates spinning, if you will?

    I read Crisis of Conscience, and to me it did sort of seem like the GB has been spiraling out of control trying to cover for its bad decisions by making even more bad decisions. Kinda like when someone tells a lie, then they have to tell another lie to cover for it, and so on. Eventually they forget what the original lie even was.

    What do you think?

  • PEC

    I think it was a money making scam from day one, every lie they tell is just to keep the $$$ rolling in.


  • zack

    J.F. Rutherford, the real founder of the JW religion, was NEVER an earnest student of the Bible. The GB continue his religion. Whether it is some kind of sinister conspiracy to destroy the lives of other fellow human beings, I do not believe they think that of themselves. The practical effect, however, is just that: the systematic destruction of human lives, the squandering of youth and ambition, the crushing of the human spirit. What difference does it make if they are "sincere" or not, when the results of their teaching is so obvious?

    I can only say personally, that I don't think they are so smart, it is just that I was so ignorant. Thanks to so many others here and elswhere, that situation has been remedied.

  • Hortensia

    I don't think the organization necessarily started out as a money making project, although of course Russell was a businessman wasn't he? Always on the lookout for a buck. The GB strike me as very low-profile Donald Trumps - quietly building a fortune in real estate using other people's money.

  • exwitless
    J.F. Rutherford, the real founder of the JW religion, was NEVER an earnest student of the Bible. The GB continue his religion. Whether it is some kind of sinister conspiracy to destroy the lives of other fellow human beings, I do not believe they think that of themselves.

    So if they're continuing his religion, I guess my next question would be, what was his motivation? Was he a control freak? An older version of Jim Jones? I don't think that the current GB intends to destroy lives, but do they knowingly intend to control?

  • emptywords

    I think Russell was a truth seeker, his father owned a few shops and left them to him, but he used his own money to set up the wathchtower, he never endorsed an organization or a GB to control the flock. It was that drunkard Rutherford that hyjacked the faith, he set himself up above everyone else, bought in the elitism of the 144,000 which seperated the sheep into two different groups one superior than the other, It was the 144,000 for the sheep not the other way around.

    This governing body is unscriptual and a pushing ahead, the teaching of the scriptures have mainly been directed to Christedom instead of the JW's themselves, they are beyond reproach and a legend in their own minds. Many have been stumbled because of this NGO thing and the child abuse cases, they have a lot to answer to the master for. But weather we allow that to stumble us away from Jehovah is a personal choice, I take it that looking at how he dealt with the Isreal nation of old can be safly the outcome for the WT in the very near future.

  • Arthur

    I believe they have been a varied group. I'm sure some were average intelligence, others were above average intelligence. There is no doubt that Fred Franz was extremely intelligent (the man spoke several languages fluently). However according to his nephew Ray, and others who knew him well, he was a detached person, almost eccentric in some ways. (judging from the way he dressed, I'll concur).

    Intelligence however, doesn't impress me in the slightest. There have been incredibly intelligent individuals throughout history who's intellects hindered them from having any depth of human empathy compassion, and common sense. Sometimes, a high intellect can cause one to be somewhat seperated from reality, and place expectations upon others which are unrealistic.

    The Watchtower organization has been more of a sales organization than a model of first-century Christianity. The whole thrust of the movement is to sell it's product (Watchtowerism). The men in charge have a fetish for numbers, stats, figures, and percentages. I would agree that it certainly requires smart men to run this type of operation. But am I impressed? No. I'm impressed with someone who can truly understand and empathize with human frailties, hardships, and emotions. Unfortunately you will find very few of these people working as C.E.O.s (Chief Ecclesiastical Officers).

  • esw1966

    I don't think they are too smart.....

    I ask myself and my daughters at times to tell me, "What has the Society ever gotten right?!" I can give out 10 things they got wrong for every 1 thing they may have gotten right.

    I really can't think of anything they have gotten right or anything unique to them that other people don't already know or believe. They have no 'special' truth. They have made up their own stories!

    the GB has been spiraling out of control trying to cover for its bad decisions by making even more bad decisions.

    I do believe this is what is happening to them. They are a legalistic society. When you make rules and laws, you need to make more or clarify things. In the end, legalism doesn't work and it will make you look hypocritical and foolish.

    It seems to me that a lot of problems began with Rutherford. A lot of controlling and rules began popping up. I think they soon got off track and have just spiralled out of control since then.

    I think that they have left God and that God will make their own wisdom seem foolish. Hopefully that will happen sooner than later. I think it is becoming more and more obvious with the internet and this discussion.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am going to agree (in part) with EmptyWords:

    I think Russell was a truth seeker, his father owned a few shops and left them to him, but he used his own money to set up the wathchtower, he never endorsed an organization or a GB to control the flock. It was that drunkard Rutherford that hyjacked the faith, he set himself up above everyone else, bought in the elitism of the 144,000 which seperated the sheep into two different groups one superior than the other, It was the 144,000 for the sheep not the other way around.

    This governing body is unscriptual and a pushing ahead, the teaching of the scriptures have mainly been directed to Christedom instead of the JW's themselves, they are beyond reproach and a legend in their own minds. Many have been stumbled because of this NGO thing and the child abuse cases, they have a lot to answer to the master for. But weather we allow that to stumble us away from Jehovah is a personal choice, I take it that looking at how he dealt with the Isreal nation of old can be safly the outcome for the WT in the very near future.

    I believe Russell was a truth seeker, but add WHACKO PREACHER to that description.
    He loved the limelight of his position, still- everyone was free to go home or stick with him.

    Rutherford was just as described above. He wanted money and power during a rough time
    in finances. He did excellent. He warped the doctrines just to maintain control and to keep
    the dollars flowing. People after him are a mixed bag. Some perpetuated things for the money
    and some believed it was the truth. They should have figured it out, or made serious changes.

    Many GB members reached a certain point of sacrifice where cognitive dissonance took over
    completely. "I sacrificed so much for this religion- it can't be wrong."
    Once they made the GB, they should have seen the big problems, but that dissonance would
    not let them. PLUS- what would they have if they left the organization. Easier to swallow the
    crap and try to maintain the control you inherited. Some who were experts at kissing up and
    finally made it here were going to enjoy themselves no matter if it was the truth or not, they
    just wouldn't investigate too deeply.

  • sspo

    They are as smart as we all were when we joined, whether we came out of another religion or born into the "truth".

    They were all sucked in by the different doctrines such as "Paradise, no hell, no trinity, neutrality, no part of the world and so on.

    It has nothing to do with smartness, it is faith that pulled them in along with 6.7 millions of others that might be willing to die for their faith.

    There is no difference between them and the Mormons and scientelogy and Catholics. They all beleive they have the TRUTH.

    I truly beleive though they are smart enough to realize that after so many failed prophecy and wacko doctrines that most of them don't beleive they are God's people,.......... but what choice do they have but continue to play the game and enjoy their "kingly position" .

    In due time a new generation of dubs will take the watchtower religion into Christendom as it happened to Armstrong - Church of God

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