My first cake (pic)

by reneeisorym 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    Forgive me for being on a mac and not being able to do the quote thing:

    >>And the professional was born. Excellent!!!

    Now that's my favorite compliment!!

    >>This is really good work for a first attempt reneeisorym - looks yummy chocolate cake mmm...

    >>I'll overcome the worry of being flamed here and leave you a constructive comment - practice getting smoother er - corners/edges - what's it called where the top meets the sides?! The overall design is still fantastic though. I love the way you got the flowers and leaves to drape over the edges - that's something nobody ever seems to do on cakes over here - everythings always stuck either on top or on the side! I thought your 'draping' made the cake look more alive somehow - not as stiffly formal - more relaxed but still formal. Ok I'll shut up cos I can't work out how to describe what I mean lol! - How about not stiffly formal but still wouldn't look one bit out of place at a formal event such as a wedding!

    >>Hope you get what I meant! Keep up the good work

    I do get what you mean. I messed up and didn't dry my fingers off when I was working on the edges and some of the moisture got in the cake and then it wouldn't "crust" so it was harder to smooth then. I'll try to do better next time. And about the formal/stiffy -- I understand completely. You mean that it looked a little more original than traditional but still formal. That's a great compliment to get!

    >>Wow! That looks a lot better than my first cake!

    Hahaha -- I have baked many cakes and I've had mine turn out like that at some point. I know you were probably just joking but just in case there was some truth to it -- If you'll line the bottom of the pan with a circle of parchment, it'll come out easily and then you can just peel off the parchement ...

    >>Where do you live?
    >>Can I come over?
    >>Have you got an extra plate?
    >>Have you got an extra fork?
    >>Have you got some milk to go with that?
    >>Geez, that looks good!!!

    Mississippi, yes, yes, yes, yes, thank you!! ... :)

    >>Mighty fine looking cake for a first attempt! Remember, it has to taste as good as it looks!

    It tastes wonderful! Turned out extremely moist and chocolatey. I ordered some dutch-processed cocoa and I'm going to try my next chocolate cake with that and I hope it turns out even better. I couldn't ask for much better than this cake though. It reallly did turn out good. I have been baking for years. Its the decorating I'm new to.

    >>Check the internet for links with tips/ideas. I found lots of inspiration when I was doing my daughter's wedding cake.

    Thanks for that. I'm checking it out now .......

  • Gretchen956

    This is an amazing first attempt. Takes a steady hand to decorate like that. You have talent. I can't wait to see what you can do once you get a few of these under your belt. Looks very tasty too.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    You mean that it looked a little more original than traditional but still formal.

    You got it! Yes that's it - it doesn't look manufactured

    Good that you know what went wrong with the icing too (I wouldn't have had a clue lol!) - you'll probably become expert at getting it spot on now, I do believe we learn best from our mistakes.

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm not big on cake, but you've done a marvelous job decorating renee!

    Good job!

  • snarf

    Looks good enough to eat!!!!! LOL It is a beautiful cake

  • reneeisorym

    >>I'm not big on cake, but you've done a marvelous job decorating renee!

    I do not like typical white cake or the normal plain kinds. I like original flavors. I wanna lean how to make 100 different kinds of cake so everyone outta find something that sounds good,

    I found some cherry preserves at the store today. I'm thinking that might make good filling and I"ll call it "chocolate covered cherry cake" :)

  • nvrgnbk

    Renee, my dear grandmother used to make a killer mayonnaise cake with peanut butter icing. That I liked!

    It's actually chocolate, it's just called mayonnaise for the little bit added to the batter for moistness.

    Check it out, if you haven't already.

  • reneeisorym

    Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing .... That sounds sinful. I'll keep that in mind. THANKS!

  • eclipse


    You did AWESOME!

    That is one beautiful cake....

    I am not being nice, I am being brutally honest. For a first cake, that is almost perfection!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That cake looks pretty darn good to me. My wife used to decorate cakes for JW functions before we were married (that was a long time ago). She still does it for people once in a while.

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