Laptop Users I need your help

by noni1974 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe
    i've repaired so many compaq notebooks that i would not recommend them

    It makes sense that a very popular laptop brand would show up more often in repair shops than a brand with a small market. That in itself does not mean Compaqs are bad laptops. I buy a new laptop and keep it for only one year, buy a new one and then sell the old one on ebay. I never run out of warranty and have a new laptop every year for an expenditure of about $200 year. I think this is cheaper in the long run than buying an extended warranty.

  • noni1974

    Thank you all so much for your input.I've decided to wait and research before I make an impulse purchase as big as this one was going to be.Instead I'm going to get a new tower for my desktop which is what I was shopping for in the first place.At least with a desktop I know I can expand it and change it to suit my needs if I want to.I'll let you know when I get my new desktop.

  • noni1974

    Oh boy was I stupid when I wrote this.LOL!!! I bought a laptop in January and I love it!!

    This is the computer I got.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Noni I was going to recommend Pick your product and read the reviews. I was going to say that you know what you're looking for so go to an objective place to find it.

    But if you are happy with you've got, then that's fantastic.

    How's the laptop working for you?


  • musky

    I noticed your click able link was to Worst Buy ( I mean best buy). I am glad you are enjoying your computer, But I will not click on a link to that store or ever ever ever I mean never never go into that store again for as long as I live. I wish they would go out of business!

  • Finally-Free

    Before deciding on any computer consider what you will be using it for, what software you will be running, and how long you expect to use it along with your future needs. Consider the system requirements of any software package you intend to use. When considering an operating system, think of security as well as the length of support you will receive from Microsoft. By support, I mean operating system updates. For example, they no longer release patches for Windows NT or 2000.

    Personally, you couldn't give me an XP computer with less than 1 GB of RAM or a Vista box with less than 2 GB of RAM, and even that can be painfully slow depending on what you're doing.

    I agree with the above comment recommending Kapersky antivirus. I've been using it for years. Symantec and McAfee are resource hogs, and I've seen McAfee completely trash workstations, and I had to resolve an issue with McAfee's Enterprise Policy Orchastrator last summer after it brought down our domain controllers bringing our entire network to a halt. Over 500 people got to go home after half a day.


    edited to say, oh crap! I just noticed this thread was a year old.

  • noni1974

    My new laptop does everything I want it to do. It has everything I could want in a desktop. I love it. My DSL box is an all in one model and I didn't need anything else to get online wireless. I also bought a desktop last year so I still have that. I have 2 computers now. I got a really good deal on this computer and I have no complaints at all. In fact I've decided that I will never buy another desk top again.

  • drwtsn32

    LOL... I love how deep some people got with explanations of routers, IP addresses, public/private networks, etc.

  • drwtsn32
    people like me will [...] fill JWD with nonsense.

    Wow. What-A-Coincidence wasn't joking. ;)

  • noni1974

    What's even more funny is I didn't get any of it. I'm so not a tecky person at all. I didn't know how wireless worked at all. Now that I have a laptop I know how it works.

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